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  • If the stay-at-home order has allowed you to get to know your local birds better, you can contribute what you’re seeing to a worldwide scientific effort.…
  • The widespread quarantine brought on by COVID-19 is affecting how we interact with nearly everyone. Even wildlife. With many of us humans not being out…
  • The Pigmy Rattlesnake is four to six inches long at birth and some adults can reach two and a half feet – although most reach only about 20 inches. It is…
  • Every holiday has its back-story and a bit of history – many also have associations with the wild things around us. Halloween is a holiday rich in lore of…
  • This week, winds shifted from the west to the east, bringing a patch of red tide closer to shore and depositing dead fish and other sea life onto the…
  • Our Black and Turkey vultures are common sights in Florida skies.The Black Vulture is a permanent resident and doesn't migrate. In flight it flaps often…
  • The Little Blue Heron is indeed little – perhaps a little over knee-high – and it is also grey-blue all over with a tinge of rusty-purple on its neck.…
  • Perhaps the fastest lizard in Florida, the Six-lined Racerunner lives up to its name and is even adorned with racing stripes. This up to 8.5 inch,…
  • Waterlilies are residents of placid waters, adding to the calm and beauty of their habitat. Some waterlilies are with us year round. Others, such as the…
  • The White Peacock is one of the most common butterflies in Florida, yet it is often overlooked. This white butterfly with its beautiful golden, filigree…