Florida’s Guardian ad Litem program may have thousands of volunteers, but agency officials say they need more male role models, who can advocate on behalf of the state’s abused and neglected children.

Florida Guardian ad Litem Executive Director Alan Abramowitz says his agency is trying to reach out to a more diverse group of volunteers. Right now, most are females.
“We’re trying to get more diversity,” said Abramowitz. “That includes African Americans, males, things that we’re missing because we think it helps us with some of the male, older kids because a lot of them don’t have a father in their life.”
In fact, Abramowitz says the campaign comes with a slogan.
“The phrase we use is, ‘Man up! Be a GAL,” he added.
And, GAL, in that case, stands for Guardian ad Litem. For more information, visit Guardianadlitem.org.
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