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coronavirus-related restrictions across the United States
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Status of stay-at-home order
Gov. J.B. Pritzker issued a stay-at-home or in-place-of-residence order that allows for residents to leave for essential activities, essential government functions or to operate essential businesses or operations.A modified version of the order was in effect from May 1 through the end of the month. All four regions have met the required benchmarks to begin Phase 3 of reopening, and most of the state did so on May 29.
Beginning May 1, individuals must wear masks or face coverings in public places where they cannot maintain 6 feet of distance from others.
On May 5, Pritzker announced "Restore Illinois," a five-phase plan for reopening the state on a regional basis.
Health care facilities may resume certain elective surgeries for non-life-threatening conditions beginning May 1, in accordance with public health guidance.
Pritzker announced the additional businesses and activities permitted to reopen in Phase 3. All retail stores can open with capacity limits, and restaurants and bars can open for outdoor seating only. Golf courses will lift certain restrictions. Gatherings of up to 10 people will be permitted. Health clubs, gyms and fitness studios can provide indoor one-on-one personal training and outdoor fitness classes of up to 10 people. Personal care services including nail salons, spas, barber shops and tattoo shops can reopen with restrictions.
All state parks reopened on May 29. Concessions and tennis facilities can open in line with state guidance.
Pritzker announced the state's plan for a gradual reopening of child care facilities in Phases 3 and 4. Previously closed providers can open with limitations when their region enters Phase 3, and can expand to larger capacity after four weeks. There will be no restrictions on which families can use child care.
The state issued industry-specific guidelines for businesses reopening in Phase 3, including retail, offices, manufacturing, barbershops and salons, summer programs, outdoor recreation activities and outdoor dining at bars and restaurants.
Pritzker signed a bill allowing bars and restaurants with liquor licenses to sell cocktails for pickup and delivery.
Pritzker signed an executive order allowing public and private schools to reopen for limited in-person summer school, in line with Phase 3 guidelines. He later released guidelines to help K-12 schools, community colleges and higher education institutions resume in-person instruction for the upcoming academic year.
The state began Phase 4 on June 26. In Phase 4, gathering limits expand from 10 to 50 people, and additional sectors such as health, fitness, movies, theaters, museums, zoos and indoor restaurant dining can open or expand with capacity restrictions. Revised guidelines permit additional activities in youth and recreational sports, health and fitness centers and day camps.
State officials announced a plan with general and industry-specific COVID-19 mitigation efforts, to be applied on a regional basis.
Safety guidelines for youth and adult recreational sports take effect August 15.
Emergency rules for businesses, schools and child-care establishments regarding face coverings and gathering sizes give local law enforcement more flexibility and a "measured process" to enforce public health guidance.
Due to a rising positivity rate, additional mitigation measures took effect in the Metro East Region, one of the state's 11 health regions, on Aug. 18 for two weeks. Those include the closing of bars, restaurants and casinos at 11 p.m. nightly and the reduction of gathering limits to the lesser of 25 people or 25% of a room's capacity. Even tighter restrictions on bars, restaurants, gatherings and nursing home visitation took effect on Sept. 2.
Additional mitigation measures took effect on Aug. 26 in Region 7 (the greater Will and Kankakee County areas) for two weeks. They include prohibitions on indoor service and limits on seating at both bars and restaurants, as well as the reduction of gathering limits to the lesser of 25 guests or 25% room capacity.
Closed, canceled and delayed
Pritzker signed an executive order canceling the Illinois and Du Quoin State Fairs in 2020. The Department of Agriculture will hold a Junior Livestock Expo in September, and the 4-H General Project Show will take place virtually.
Testing and tracing
The Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs announced on May 13 that all residents and staff at the state's four veteran's homes had been tested for COVID-19.
Pritzker announced the Illinois Contact Tracing Collaborative, a technology-based approach to scaling up existing local contact tracing systems. The state Department of Public Health will drive the curriculum and software, and can support funding for local health department hires where needed. Two local health departments are piloting the initiative.
The Illinois Department of Public Health filed emergency rules requiring long-term care facilities to comply with infection control practices, including developing and implementing a plan to test all residents and staff.
The state is expanding its community-based testing sites to offer tests to everyone, regardless of symptoms. Tests are at no cost to the individual, and no appointment, doctor's referral or insurance is needed.
Relief and resources
On March 27, Pritzker announced measures to expand SNAP benefits and increase support for child care providers and people experiencing homelessness.
All essential workers in health care, human services, government services, and infrastructure qualify for the state's Child Care Assistance Program as of April 1.
Under an executive order issued April 6, the Illinois Department of Corrections director can allow "medically vulnerable" inmates to temporarily leave prison for the duration of the state's disaster proclamation.
The state awarded $14 million to over 700 bars, restaurants and hotels through the Hospitality Emergency Grant Program.
Pritzker introduced a Remote Patient Monitoring Program, through which health workers will provide wellness kits and daily virtual visits to COVID-19 patients recovering at home.
The Illinois Department of Human Services launched a free emotional support text line for anyone experiencing coronavirus-related stress
An executive order makes health care professionals immune from civil liability in coronavirus cases.
Essential personnel who contract COVID-19 on the job are eligible for workers' compensation.
Pritzker's administration expanded access to unemployment benefits by easing eligibility requirements and waiving the waiting week for claimants.
The state will provide additional SNAP benefits to the approximately 316,000 households with children eligible for free or reduced school meals, through the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer program.
A multi-state initiative will expand payment relief for people with private and non-federal student loans, which are not covered by the CARES Act. The agreement expands protections to student loan borrowers in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, New Jersey, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington.
A May 1 executive order temporarily allows county governments to issue marriage licenses via audio-video communication technology.
The state is putting $25 million of existing funding towards Fast-Track Public Infrastructure Grants, a new initiative to accelerate work on local, planned infrastructure projects that are ready to begin work this summer.
The state launched the Get Hired Illinois job portal, and will offer residents free unlimited access to online workforce development courses through a partnership with Coursera, beginning in June. Registration for the workforce recovery initiative is open through September, and courses must be completed by December 31.
The "Illinois Connected Communities" grant program will assist local governments, schools and communities with building broadband capacity.
As of June 2, 1.8 million SNAP recipients are automatically able to purchase food online from participating grocery retailers.
Illinois received an additional $1.3 million in Family Violence Protection Actfunds through the CARES Act, which will be used to provide additional services for domestic violence survivors and their families.
The Downstate Small Business Stabilization Program distributed its first round of grants totaling $1.3 million to 65 businesses in 28 communities.
The state Department of Human Services announced the launch of two COVID-19 response programs: the Summer Youth Employment Program for at-risk youth between the ages of 16 and 24, and the Immigrant Family Support Project for families, regardless of immigration status, who are otherwise ineligible for federal funding relief.
The state is awarding a total of $11 million to 32 minority-owned businesses and business incubators through the Minority-Owned Business Capital and Infrastructure Program.
Pritzker announced a $270 million Child Care Restoration grant program to support child care providers statewide.
Pritzker announced $275 million in emergency assistance to help eligible households with rent, utilities, temporary shelter, food, medicine and other essential household services. The state is using $90 million in CARES Act funding to expand eligibility for these programs for an additional 1 million income-qualified residents.
Pritzker signed legislation promoting safe participation in the general election by providing vote by mail applications to all recent Illinois voters, expanding early voting hours at permanent polling places, improving the signature verification process and making election day a state holiday.
Pritzker announced a $900 million package of grant programs to help families and businesses impacted by the pandemic and civil unrest.
The Illinois Commerce Commission approved an agreement offering more flexible credit and collection procedures to eligible residential and small business utility customers, starting after the moratorium on disconnections for non-payments and late payments expires.
Pritzker signed legislation expanding the emergency use of remote learning and modifying the School Code in response to COVID-19.
The state will provide public K-12 schools with a total of 2.5 million cloth masks to help them meet reopening requirements.
Pritzker announced he will dedicate $108.5 million in emergency education relief funds to pre-K-12 public schools and institutions of higher education.
The state is distributing more than 60,000 cloth masks to state agencies, boards and commissions to protect employees returning to the workplace.
The state is providing $300 million in rent and mortgage relief for approximately 40,000 households financially impacted by the pandemic.
Status of Stay-at-Home order
Gov. Eric Holcomb ordered Indiana residents to remain in their homes except for work deemed essential, caring for others and obtaining necessary supplies, beginning March 25. A two-week stay-at-home order issued April 6 extended earlier restrictions such as those limiting on-site restaurant, bar, and nightclub operations. It also closed campgrounds and required essential businesses to follow specific social distancing measures. On April 20, Holcomb issued a revised order effective through May 1.
An executive order effective July 27 statewide requires people over the age of 8 to wear face coverings in most public settings, including at all K-12 institutions. An exemption allows students to remove masks during classroom instruction when they are able to maintain at least 3-6 feet of distance from others. The order has been extended until Sept. 25.
The governors of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin announced on April 16 that they will work in close coordination to safely reopen Midwestern states.
An April 20 order extends earlier restrictions and clarifies some essential services. It designates yard work, gardening, planting and landscaping as approved outdoor activities, and permits pet grooming services to operate. It also allows hospitals to conduct "medically necessary procedures."
Beginning April 27, health care providers can resume elective procedures if they have a sufficient supply of personal protective equipment and implement certain recommendations.
Laundry service providers and daycare facilities remained open as essential businesses.
On May 1, Holcomb announced a five-phased "Back on Track" plan to gradually lift restrictions in most of the state. Local governments can impose more restrictive guidelines. All but three counties moved to the second phase on May 4. Phase two of the plan began on May 11 for Lake and Marion counties, and started May 18 for Cass County.
In phase two of the recovery plan, essential travel restrictions are lifted and socially distant gatherings of up to 25 people are allowed. Nonessential manufacturing and industrial operations can resume, though people who can work from home are encouraged to do so. Retail and commercial businesses can open at 50% capacity. Shopping malls can open at 50% capacity with indoor common areas restricted to 25% capacity.
Also in phase two, personal care businesses can open for appointments, restaurants and bars may reopen at limited capacity, boating is permitted and state government executive branch offices will begin limited public services. State government employees and individuals who work in offices can return to their workplaces in "small waves" but are encouraged to telework whenever possible.
Beginning May 8, indoor worship services can resume statewide. Individuals in high-risk categories are directed to stay home. Religious and spiritual gatherings are capped at 10 people. Holcomb previously issued guidance for places of worship, encouraging them to close physical locations and conduct services virtually.
Beginning May 11, restaurants and bars may reopen in-house dining at 50% capacity, with no bar seating. Personal care service businesses can reopen by appointment only and in line with social distancing guidelines.
Most of the state began Phase Three on May 22, with the three delayed countieseligible to join as of June 1. Holcomb said it is set to last through mid-June.Remote work remains encouraged, visitation at nursing homes is prohibited, face coverings are recommended and high-risk populations are urged to limit exposure.
In Phase Three, travel restrictions are lifted and social gatherings of up to 100 people are allowed. Restaurant dining rooms remain open at 50% capacity, and retail stores and commercial businesses can expand to 75% capacity. Indoor malls can operate at 75% capacity, with indoor common areas restricted to 50%. Cultural, entertainment and sports venues, as well as bars and nightclubs, are closed.Movie theaters and playgrounds, initially set to open in Phase 3, will remain closed.
Other businesses and facilities allowed to open with restrictions in Phase Three include gyms, YMCAs, fitness centers, yoga studios, community pools and campgrounds. Recreational sports practices can begin, except for contact-sports including football and lacrosse. Basketball, tennis, soccer and baseball courts and fields may reopen.
Campgrounds and state park inns can open with restrictions beginning May 22, and state park beaches can open the following day. Raceways can open with no spectators.
Youth summer camps may open starting June 1.
The entire state was permitted to begin Phase Four on June 12. State government building access restrictions are lifted, and professional office building employees can resume work at full capacity. Social gatherings of up to 250 people are allowed. Retail stores, commercial businesses and malls can open at full capacity. Restaurants can expand indoor dining to 75% capacity. Bars, nightclubs, bar seating in restaurants, movie theaters, bowling alleys and similar facilities can open at 50% capacity with social distancing. Museums, zoos and aquariums can open at 50% capacity. Raceways can open at 50% grandstand capacity, and amusement and water parks can open at 50% capacity with restrictions. Playgrounds can reopen.
Non-contact community recreational sport leagues and teams can resume games, leagues and tournaments on June 12. Contact sport leagues and teams can resume those activities on June 19, after the host or sponsoring venue has submitted a safety plan to the local health department and posted it publicly.
Outdoor visitation at assisted living facilities and nursing homes is permitted, and hospital visits are encouraged with precautions.
Casinos can open with the approval of the Indiana Gaming Commission as of June 15.
All Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles branches resumed walk-in service on June 15, with all transactions available except for driving skills exams.
K-12 school operations can begin the 2020-2021 academic year starting July 1, and extracurricular activities starting July 6.
Facilities are required to allow outdoor visitation at assisted living facilities and nursing homes as of July 4, with exceptions, and indoor visitation may begin. Hospital visits with precautions are encouraged.
Effective July 4, fairs, festivals and similar outdoor events can take place. Horse racing can begin with 50 percent spectator capacity. Youth overnight camps may also open.
Effective July 23, events that expect more than 250 attendees must submit a health plan to their local health department for advance approval. Other social gatherings remain limited to a maximum of 250 people.
Holcomb announced that Phase 4.5 will continue until Sept. 25. Local governments can impose more restrictive guidelines.
Testing and tracing
Holcomb announced on April 28 that the state will launch 50 new testing sites in two weeks, partnering with OptumServe Health Services to expand testing capacity. Once the sites are open, an additional 6,600 Hoosiers can be tested per day. Testing is free and by appointment only, and insurance is not required. Individuals must have symptoms, be at high risk or have been exposed to a confirmed case in order to be eligible.
The state is also partnering with the company Maximus to centralize contact tracing efforts. Holcomb announced plans to hire and train 500 employees for a call center that is expected to be operational around May 11.
As of June 15, free tests are open to any Hoosier who wants to get tested, regardless of symptoms.
Relief and resources
Holcomb signed an executive order on April 7 allowing retired and inactive EMS professionals to provide health care services if they work under a licensed supervisor or obtain a temporary certification from the state's Department of Homeland Security.
Holcomb issued an executive order allowing pharmacy students who have successfully completed all required course work to apply for temporary licenses with the Professional Licensing Agency.
The Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs is awarding more than $1.96 million in federal grant funding to 13 rural communities through the new COVID-19 Response Program.
Holcomb signed an executive order to expedite the review of unemployment insurance claim appeals and extend the business personal property tax deadlines to June 15.
The state launched, a free website with mental health resources for coronavirus-induced stress as well as pre-existing concerns.
An executive order extended Bureau of Motor Vehicles renewal deadlines, making driver's licenses, identification cards and vehicle registrations that expire prior to June 4 valid through that date. It also postponed deadlines for expiring state-issued professional licenses and permits, which have since been extended to June 30.
The order also ensures election workers are able to collect stipends without reducing their unemployment benefits.
Holcomb announced the allocation of nearly $44 million to economic recovery initiatives, largely in the form of direct funding to small businesses and manufacturers.
Eligible businesses can apply for the Small Business Restart Grant to cover pandemic-related expenses.
An executive order allows older youth to remain in foster care beyond the age of 18 during the public health emergency, continuing their access to education, workforce training and health benefits.
Holcomb announced the launch of "Rapid Recovery for a Better Future," a $50 million initiative to help individuals and businesses get back to work and access career and skill development resources.
Small businesses with 150 employees or less that are otherwise unable to secure personal protective equipment can request it through the state's online portal.
Holcomb announced the state is partnering with Indiana Black Expo to increase access to workforce and economic recovery programs for minority employers. He approved $500,000 in federal funding to support minority-owned businesses, as well as entrepreneurs and communities, impacted by the pandemic.
Holcomb announced that state PK-12 schools and higher education institutions can apply for a $61.6 million needs-based grant program to bolster remote learning through device availability, connectivity and educator capacity.
Holcomb extended prohibitions on rental evictions and filing foreclosures through July 31, and on utility service disconnects through August 14.
Holcomb announced a $25 million Indiana COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program.
The moratorium on evictions and foreclosure filings was extended through August 14.
Holcomb signed an executive order increased the maximum number of children allowed to gather in a home on school days for virtual learning without the child care setting needing to be licensed from six to ten.
Status of Stay-at-Home order
Gov. Kim Reynolds did not issue a statewide stay-at-home order, but signed multiple proclamations continuing the State Public Health Emergency Declaration initially announced on March 17.
An April 27 proclamation continued the statewide emergency declaration while loosening some restrictions from May 1 through May 15. Reynolds has incrementally extended the proclamation through August 23, but allowed additional businesses and activities to resume before then. As of May 15, restrictions previously loosened only in 77 counties were lifted statewide.
Reynolds signed a proclamation allowing hospitals to resume some elective surgeries through a phased approach, and reopening farmers' markets with limited operations, beginning April 27.
In 77 of Iowa's 99 counties, restaurants, fitness centers, malls, libraries, race tracks and some retail establishments were allowed to resume limited operations if they implement public health measures, effective May 1. That same proclamation lifted restrictions on religious and spiritual gatherings, if they observe safety precautions.
In the 77 counties with relaxed restrictions, social and fraternal clubs were ordered to remain closed except for physically-distant golfing or food and beverage service.
In the remaining 22 counties, fitness centers, health clubs and gyms were allowed to reopen on an appointment-only basis for one patron at a time. Malls there can reopen at 50% capacity, but must keep seating and play areas closed. Previously-closed retail stores can open at 50% capacity and in compliance with state guidance.
A proclamation effective May 8 permits dental services to resume in compliance with board guidelines and permits additional establishments to resume limited operations with public health measures in place. It also adjusts school start dates, suspends certain requirements for private instruction and interscholastic athletics and provides additional professional licensure relief.
Campgrounds, drive-in movie theaters, tanning facilities and medical spas can reopen statewide.
A proclamation effective May 15 permits salons, barbershops and massage and tattoo establishments to reopen statewide in a limited fashion, with public health measures in place. It also permits restaurants, fitness centers, libraries and racetracks to reopen in the 22 counties where they were previously closed.
As of May 22, movie theaters, zoos, aquariums, museums and wedding reception venues can reopen with public health measures. Swimming pools can also reopen for lap swimming and swimming lessons. State parks will open restrooms, shower buildings and cabins, and campgrounds will reopen with stipulations.
Starting May 28, bars and other establishments that serve alcohol can reopen at 50% capacity.
As of June 1, schools are able to resume school-sponsored learning and activities, including high school baseball and softball.
Beginning June 1, speedways and raceways can open events to spectators, and outdoor performance venues can hold live performances. Casinos, gaming facilities and indoor amusement venues can open with occupancy limits and other safety measures. Socially-distant community, recreational, leisure and athletic gatherings of more than 10 people are allowed.
The Iowa Department of Public Health released a three-phase plan for the gradual easing of restrictions in long-term care facilities.
Effective June 12, businesses can operate at full capacity with social distancing, hygiene and public health measures. Swimming pools, indoor playgrounds, theaters and performance venues, senior citizen centers and adult day care facilities can reopen in compliance with state guidance. Vulnerable residents in all counties are encouraged to limit their activities outside of the home.
Reynolds signed a proclamation directing school districts and local governments to "focus on preparing to safely welcome back students and teachers to school in-person in the fall" and clarifying the select circumstances under which schools may move to primarily remote learning. She said schools must conduct at least half of their instruction in person when classes resume.
A proclamation effective Aug. 27 through Sept. 20 closes all bars, taverns, distilleries and nightclubs, and requires restaurants to stop serving alcohol after 10 p.m., in six counties (Black Hawk, Dallas, Johnson, Linn, Polk and Story). Those establishments may continue to sell alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption.
Testing and tracing
Reynolds announced the launch of "TestIowa," a public-private partnership set to increase the state's COVID-19 testing capacity by up to 3,000 additional tests per day. The state created an online health assessment, which Reynolds is encouraging even asymptomatic individuals to fill out, and is setting up drive-through testing tents.
Reynolds said on May 21 that Test Iowa criteria have expanded to include anyone who wants a COVID-19 test.
Relief and resources
The state said existing permits to carry or acquire a firearm will not expire until further notice.
An April 10 proclamation introduced additional regulatory relief measures. The provisions give health facilities greater flexibility, remove some in-person regulatory requirements and "permit community colleges and school districts to adjust to the suspension of in-person instruction."
Iowa Workforce Development issued guidance on April 27 saying Iowans who are idled by temporary coronavirus-related layoffs and who refuse to return to work when recalled by their employer will lose unemployment benefits, with a few exceptions.
Reynolds said the moratorium on foreclosures, evictions and other debt collection activities would expire at the end of the day on May 27.
Reynolds allocated federal funding to the COVID-19 Iowa Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Program, which provides short-term assistance to income-eligible renters and homeowners who have lost income due to the pandemic.
The state received $26.2 million in federal emergency relief to expand broadband access as part of an effort to facilitate remote learning for K-12 and post-secondary students.
Reynolds directed $50 million in CARES Act funding towards the state's mental health care system.
Status of Stay-at-Home order
Gov. Laura Kelly signed a statewide stay-at-home order that shuts down businesses, government and other operations unless considered essential. People must maintain 6 feet from others in public, and limit gatherings to no more than 10 people. Kelly extended the order through midnight on May 3. Phase one of the state's reopening plan began on May 4, and phase two began May 22.
Statewide mandates for travel-related quarantines and public health isolation and quarantine orders remain in effect.
Kelly signed an executive order requiring masks to be worn in public spaces and in situations where 6 feet of distance cannot be maintained, effective July 3.
On April 30, Kelly introduced her "Ad Astra" plan for gradually reopening the economy. The plan requires local governments to operate under a regulatory baseline, while allowing them to impose additional restrictions if necessary. State officials have released reopening guidance for businesses and industries. As of May 26, the Ad Astra plan is a recommendation rather than a statewide order, and individual county health officials can decide how to proceed.
Under phase one of the plan, the statewide stay-at-home order was lifted but mass gatherings remained limited to a maximum of 10 people. Restaurants, libraries and child care facilities can open, and must adhere to social distancing guidelines.
Kelly signed an executive order on April 7 that designated religious services and funerals as "essential functions," but limited in-person gatherings to no more than 10 people and required clergy to adhere to the safety protocols outlined in the stay-at-home order. State lawmakers voted along party lines to overturn the order the following day, saying it violated religious liberty. Kelly's administration then sued the legislative council in Kansas Supreme Court, which ruled unanimously to uphold the order. On April 18, a federal judge blockedenforcement of the order through May 2. In a joint April 25 court filing with the churches that sued her, Kelly said many restrictions on public gatherings would be lifted beginning May 4.
The Kansas Department of Revenue phased in the reopening of driver's license offices starting May 12. Appointments are required, and renewals can be done online.
On May 14, Kelly announced a new "1.5 phase" of the reopening plan, lifting some restrictions without fully moving into phase two. Effective May 18, personal care services like nail salons, barber shops, hair salons and tattoo parlors can reopen only for pre-scheduled appointments.Fitness centers and health clubs can open, but in-person group classes and locker rooms will remain closed. Limited in-person and drive-through graduation ceremonies are permitted with social distancing measures. Gatherings larger than 10 people remain prohibited.
The state entered a modified Phase Two on May 22. Gathering limits are expanded to 15 people, and indoor leisure spaces including museums,bowling alleys, theaters, arcades and trampoline parks can reopen. State-owned casinos can resume operations once their reopening plans are approved by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.Organized sports practices and tournaments can also resume. In-person group exercise classes of up to 15 people can begin, though locker rooms remain closed except for restrooms. Community centers can reopen.
Kelly released guidance for observing Memorial Day, including restrictions on travel, gatherings and outdoor activities.
Kelly and health department officials recommended that most communities progress to Phase Three on June 8. In Phase Three, gathering limits can expand to 45 people, nonessential travel may resume and on-site staffing is unrestricted. All education, activities, venues and establishments can operate in line with public health guidelines.
Kelly and health department officials recommended communities remain in Phase Three until at least July 6. While the final phase of the "Ad Astra" plan was initially slated to begin on June 22, officials encouraged a delay of at least two weeks due to "an increase in disease spread." On July 6, she extended that recommendation indefinitely.
The Kansas Department of Revenue began phasing in drive tests, with added health and safety precautions, on June 22.
Closed, canceled and delayed
In Phase Two, bars, nightclubs, swimming pools, large entertainment venues and summer camps that are not associated with a state-licensed day care remain closed. Fairs, festivals, carnivals and parades are not allowed.
On July 20, Kelly signed an executive order delaying schools from beginning any student instruction, athletics and extracurricular activities until after September 8. She also announced an order that would outline mitigation measures and require face masks in schools, but that can only be signed pending approval from the state Board of Education.
Testing and tracing
Kelly said on April 29 that the state had acquired 500,000 testing kits from overseas, and is scheduled to receive 10,000 kits each week until the order is filled.
Kelly announced a statewide COVID-19 testing strategy, with a goal of testing 60,000 people each month through the end of the year.
Relief and resources
Kelly issued an executive order temporarily preventing foreclosures and evictions.
An April 10 executive order extends professional and occupational licenses for the duration of the pandemic, waives late penalties and expiration fees, and extends deadlines for continuing education requirements.An April 16 orderapplies occupational licensing extensions to adult-care home workers.
The Kansas Corporation Commission extended an emergency order prohibiting utility disconnects due to nonpayment until May 15.
Kelly and the Department for Children and Families announced the "Hero Relief Program" for financially-eligible essential workers, which expands DCF's child care assistance subsidies for families and offers financial support directly to child care providers.
Kelly signed two executive orders on April 22. One expands the health care workforce by easing some requirements for certain medical licensees, allowing out-of-state health care providers to practice in Kansas and extending liability protections to health care workers responding to COVID-19. The other allows the sale of alcoholic beverages for carryout consumption, subject to certain requirements, and permits licensed establishments to sell liquor in containers other than the original.
More than $9 million in federal funding is being made available for the state's Community Development Block Grant program to support community responses to the pandemic. Communities can apply for either economic development grants or meal program grants.
The state Department for Aging and Disability Services received more than $6.7 million in federal grants to help communities provide supportive services, meals, caregiver support services and long-term care ombudsman services.
A May 14 executive order provides temporary relief from certain restrictions on shared work programs, allowing employers to participate in existing federal programs.
Kansas families with children eligible for free or reduced-price school meals will receive a one-time benefit through the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer program.
Kelly announced the award of nearly $9 million in community block grants to 66 cities and counties to support economic development and meal programs.
An executive order extends expired driver's licenses, permits and vehicle registrations until June 30 or until the statewide emergency expires, whichever is earlier. Kansans have 60 days from that date to renew their credentials.
Another executive order extends driver's licenses that would expire before September 15, and sets a staggered deadline for vehicle registrations depending on the date of purchase.
Kelly signed a bipartisan COVID-19 response bill that, among other provisions, extends the existing emergency declaration through September 15 in order to continue the state's emergency response efforts.
The State Finance Council approved the distribution of $400 million to local governments to help them respond to health and economic challenges caused by COVID-19 and prepare for possible future outbreaks.
Kelly signed an executive order temporarily allowing all drivers under the age of 65 to renew their driver's licenses online, suspending restrictions that typically prohibit applicants 50 years or older from using the online renewal system.
An executive order prohibits the initiation of any mortgage foreclosure and commercial or residential eviction efforts, or related judicial proceedings, due to pandemic-related financial hardship, until Sept. 15.
The state expanded eligibility for its Hero Relief Program to include people who work in schools, in education, transportation, food and custodial services or other essential services.
Status of Stay-at-Home order
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued an extension of the statewide stay-at-home orderon April 9, which introduced stricter restrictions for essential businesses. The order extended the prohibition on "all public and private gatherings among persons outside a single household" and encouraged people to limit the number of household members running errands. Whitmer extended the order but allowed manufacturers to return to work beginning May 11. She later extendedthe Safer at Home and certain earlier orders until June 12.
On June 1, Whitmer rescinded the Safer at Home order and moved the entire state to Phase 4 of reopening.
People are required to wear non-medical grade face coverings in enclosed public spaces. Employers must provide masks to their in-person workers.
A July 10 executive order reiterates that individuals must wear masks in indoor public spaces, and newly requires them to wear masks in crowded outdoor spaces. It also requires all businesses open to the public to refuse entry or service to patrons who do not wear a face covering, with limited exceptions.
A July 17 order strengthens and clarifies the earlier mask order. It clarifies that businesses may not assume that an unmasked customer cannot medically tolerate a face covering, but can "accept a customer's verbal representation to that effect." It also requires public safety officers to wear face coverings with few exceptions, and says that wearing a mask at a polling place "for purposes of voting" is not required but strongly encouraged.
An April 24 extension of the order relaxed certain restrictions. Nonessential retailers can reopen for curbside pickup and delivery. Big-box stores are no longer required to close off certain areas, such as garden centers. Landscapers, lawn service companies, plant nurseries and bike repair shops can resume socially-distant operations.
The order permits certain outdoor activities such as golfing and motorized boating, provided social distancing is practiced. State parks remain open. Individuals can travel between their residences, though it is "strongly discouraged."
The governors of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin announced on April 16 that they will work in close coordination to safely reopen Midwestern states.
Certain types of lower-risk work, like construction, real-estate activities and jobs primarily performed outdoors, are allowed to resume beginning May 7.
On May 7, Whitmer detailed the six phases of the "MI Safe Start Plan" and announced the state was in phase three.
Laboratory research is allowed to resume with specific workplace safeguards.
Counties in two regions in the northern part of the state can choose to begin a partial reopening on May 22. An executive order allows for the reopening of retail businesses, office work that cannot be done remotely and limited seating in restaurants and bars. Businesses resuming operations must follow specific safety protocols.
Whitmer signed an executive order allowing auto dealerships and retail businesses to reopen by appointment only starting May 26, authorizing nonessential medical, dental and veterinary procedures to resume beginning May 29 and permitting gatherings of up to 10 people effective May 21.
An executive order effective May 29 maintains restrictions on visitation to congregate living settings like health care and juvenile justice facilities, but authorizes the Department of Health and Human Services to gradually reopen visitation "as circumstances permit."
Effective June 1, groups of up to 100 people are allowed to gather outdoors while social distancing. Indoor gatherings are limited to no more than 10 people. Office work that cannot be performed remotely can resume, as well as in-home services like house cleaning.
An executive order allows retailers to open on June 4 and restaurants to open on June 8, statewide and subject to capacity limits. Swimming pools, libraries, museums and day camps for children can open starting June 8.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services issued an order expanding visitation in hospitals, outpatient clinics and doctor's offices, provided those facilities follow specific requirements.
Two regions of the state moved to Phase 5 on June 10. Salons, movie theaters and gyms can open in line with guidance. Indoor gatherings of up to 50 people and outdoor gatherings of up to 250 people are allowed, with social distancing. Outdoor performance and sporting venues can open with a capacity limit of 500 people.
Hair salons and other personal care businesses can open statewide beginning June 15.
Whitmer lifted restrictions on overnight residential, travel and troop camps, effective June 15. Her order also allows certain K-12 school sports and other extracurricular activities to resume, outdoor only and in line with state rules.
Whitmer announced that public, private, charter and parochial schools may resume in-person learning in Phase 4 of the state's reopening plan.
On July 1, Whitmer signed an executive order closing indoor service at bars in most of lower Michigan, citing recent outbreaks tied to bars. She also signed legislation allowing bars and restaurants to sell cocktails-to-go.
Statewide as of July 31, indoor gatherings are limited to 10 people and bars are closed for indoor service.
Closed, canceled and delayed
The June 1 order keeps certain businesses closed, including indoor performance and amusement venues, indoor gyms and recreational facilities, casinos, racetracks and personal care services.
Testing and tracing
COVID-19 tests are available for anyone with symptoms, as well as essential workers regardless of symptoms.
An executive order created a new category of community testing sites that can test to anyone "with reason to be tested" without requiring a doctor's order or charging out-of-pocket costs.
Populations eligible for testing include symptomatic individuals, anyone exposed to a confirmed case, anyone who leaves their home to work and individuals residing in congregate settings.
The governors of Maryland, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio and Virginia announced an interstate compact with the Rockefeller Foundation to purchase a total of 3 million rapid antigen tests.
Whitmer signed an executive order requiring specific COVID-19 testing protocols in prisons and jails.
Relief and resources
Whitmer issued a rule banning employers from firing or otherwise retaliating against an employee "for staying home from work if they or one of their close contacts tests positive for COVID-19 or has symptoms of the disease."
Whitmer issued an executive order temporarily suspending eviction allowing residents to remain in their homes even if they are unable to pay their rent or mortgage. She also expanded eligibility for unemployment benefits.
Whitmer has temporarily suspended requirements regarding the licensing and regulation of emergency medical services.
Whitmer signed an executive order temporarily extending valid driver's licenses, state identification cards and commercial vehicle registrations that would otherwise expire during the state of emergency. She later revised and extended provisions of that order, and signed a bill extending the renewal date to September 30.
Whitmer also ordered the Michigan Liquor Control Commission to initiate a spirits buy-back program to help bars and restaurants with on-premise liquor licenses.
An April 15 executive order establishes specific procedures in long-term care facilities to protect the health and safety of workers and residents.
The state Department of Health and Human Services partnered with meditation company Headspace to launch "Stay Home, Stay MIndful," a free website with mental health resources like guided meditations and at-home exercises for Michiganders.
On April 17, Whitmer signed executive orders extending the suspension of evictions and enhancing restrictions on price gouging through May 15. She later extended the price gouging restrictions until June 12.
Through an April 20 executive order, Whitmer created the Michigan Coronavirus Task Force on Racial Disparities. The advisory body will conduct research into the causes of racial disparities in the impact of COVID-19 and make recommendations to address them.
An executive order allowing pharmacists to dispense 60-day refills of maintenance prescriptions, and requiring insurers to cover early refills for up to 90 days' worth of supply, was extended until July 14.
An April 22 executive order extends temporary expansions in unemployment eligibility.
Whitmer also ordered the extension of all deadlines for case initiation in civil and probate matters for the duration of the emergency.
Whitmer and the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services launched the MiMortgage Relief Partnership on April 23. More than 200 state financial institutions have signed onto the initiative, which provides affected borrowers with a 90-day grace period for mortgage payments. It also temporarily provides relief from mortgage-related late fees and delays new foreclosures.
An April 26 executive order enacts safety measures for staff and customers at food establishments and pharmacies, such as requiring patrons to wear masks and allocating at least two hours per week of shopping time for vulnerable populations. It also suspends certain licensing and registration deadlines for the food service industry. These measures were extended through August 10.
Whitmer signed an order extending the validity of personal protection orders that would otherwise expire during the pandemic through July 21.
An April 26 executive order expands protections for vulnerable populations in the state's jails, local lockups and juvenile detention centers during the pandemic, replacing an earlier order.
Michigan has devoted $130 million in federal and state funding to a new "Child Care Relief Fund," which will provide non-competitive grants to child care providers.
An April 29 executive order affirms the right to receive medical care without discrimination and requires health care facilities to develop protocols that ensure non-discrimination in the event of a hospital surge.
Whitmer announced the "Futures for Frontliners" program, to provide tuition-free post-secondary education opportunities for essential workers.
The State Secretary of State mailed absentee applications to registered voters in the 33 counties holding elections on May 5. A limited number of polling places were open for socially-distant in-person voting.
Whitmer announced that more than $3.3 million in financial relief is going to 657 bar and restaurant owners in the state as part of its spirits buyback program.
The state created a rule expanding college student eligibility for food assistance.
A May 3 executive order effective until May 31 protected residents of congregate care settings by prohibiting nonessential visitors, requiring health screenings upon entry and mandating employees wear masks.
Whitmer signed an executive order expanding unemployment eligibility and expediting benefits.
An order allowing public bodies to meet remotely has been extended until July 31.
Michigan is participating in the federal Unemployment Insurance Agency Work Share program. Certain state employees will take two temporary layoff days per pay period from May 17 until July 25, resulting in up to $80 million in decreased wage costs. Employees will retain their existing benefits and collect partial unemployment benefits.
Whitmer signed two executive orders on May 13, expanding the capacity of child care services for the essential workforce and establishing standard safety protocols for long-term care facilities.
A subsequent executive order continued expanded access and capacity for child care services through July 7, giving priority to the families of health care workers, first responders and other essential workers.
Whitmer ordered the creation of the Return to Learn Advisory Council, which will formalize a process for determining how schools may be able to reopen in the fall.
An executive order expands telehealth options by authorizing and encouraging health care providers use telehealth services when appropriate, in effect through June 10.
A May 18 executive order expands worker protections by requiring businesses resuming in-person work to adhere to strict safety guidelines, including making a COVID-19 response plan available to employees and customers by June 1.
An executive order extends the validity of watercraft registrations that expired after February 1 to July 31.
Michigan farmers are eligible for relief payments as part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's $16 billion Coronavirus Food Assistance Program.
Households eligible for food assistance received additional benefits in May, bringing current SNAP cases to their maximum monthly allowance.
The Michigan National Guard has been authorized to continue its COVID-19 response efforts until August 21.
An executive order ensures workers' compensation eligibility for front-line workers in the state's correctional facilities, including correctional officers, medical staff and cafeteria staff.
Whitmer extended the COVID-19 state of emergency declaration until August 11.
Whitmer signed legislation permanently increasing access to health care through telemedicine and remote patient monitoring services, codifying parts of the executive order that expanded access to telehealth for the state's COVID-19 emergency response.
A July 29 executive order amends the state's fire code, allowing colleges and universities to convert large spaces for socially-distant instruction without needing inspection or approval.
An Aug. 7 executive order prohibits employers from discharging, disciplining or retaliating against employees who stay home from work when they or their close contacts are sick, and requires the employers to treat this time off as medical leave.
Status of Stay-at-Home order
Gov. Tim Walz extended the statewide stay-at-home order, which closed nonessential businesses and allowed Minnesotans to leave their residences only for certain essential purposes until May 18.
Walz announced an order requiring Minnesotans to wear masks in indoor public spaces, effective July 25.
The governors of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin announced on April 16 that they will work in close coordination to safely reopen Midwestern states.
An April 17 executive order expands the list of allowable outdoor recreational activities by reopening certain facilities, including parks, golf courses, bait shops and boating services. It requires Minnesotans partaking in these activities to practice social distancing, avoid crowded areas and stay close to home.
Walz allowed certain non-critical businesses to return to work beginning April 27. He said this action will permit 80,000 to 100,000 Minnesotans to return to their jobs in industrial, manufacturing and office settings. Companies resuming operations must implement a "COVID-19 Preparedness Plan" and continue working from home as much as possible.
Under the renewed stay-at-home order, retail and other non-critical businesses could begin offering curbside pick-up as of May 4. Minnesotans should continue to telework, and are directed to wear masks in any public setting where social distancing is difficult.
A May 5 executive order provides a roadmap for doctors, dentists and veterinarians to restart elective surgeries. Health care providers may begin offering certain procedures the week of May 11 if they create plans for maintaining a safe environment for patients and staff.
The Department of Natural Resources reopened its public water accesses statewide, comprising about half of the boat launches in Minnesota, for the May 9 fishing opener. Anglers are directed to fish close to home and take specific precautions.
An executive order effective May 18 through May 31 reopens certain businesses and activities. It urges at-risk individuals to continue staying home, and encourages everyone to wear face masks in public places where social distancing is difficult.
Beginning May 18, retail stores, malls and other main street businesses can reopen at a maximum of 50% occupancy if they have a safety plan. Minnesotans can gather with friends and family in groups of no more than 10 people, with social distancing. Restaurants, bars, salons and gyms will remain closed.
An executive order permits certain outdoor recreational activities and facilities to reopen beginning May 18 if they follow specific health and safety guidelines. Facilities include state parks, trails, forests and other state-managed recreational lands, public water accesses, public and private golf courses, ski areas, outdoor shooting ranges and outdoor recreational equipment rental outlets.
Starting May 27, places of worship can open at 25 percent occupancy if they adhere to social distancing and public health guidelines. Gatherings in outdoor settings are limited to a maximum of 250 individuals.
Salons, barber shops and outdoor dining at restaurants and bars can open with restrictions beginning June 1.
Phase Three began on June 10, allowing for the limited reopening of indoor dining, gyms and entertainment venues. Restaurants can open indoor dining at 50% capacity, with reservations required. Gyms, movie theaters and other indoor entertainment venues can open at 25% capacity. Hair salons, barber shops and tattoo parlors can expand to 50% capacity with reservations. Places of worship can expand to 50% capacity. Outdoor event venues including sporting events, concerts and theaters can open at 25% capacity.
Effective June 10, indoor social gatherings are limited to 10 people and outdoor social gatherings are limited to 25 people.
All public swimming pools can reopen at 50% capacity beginning June 10, provided they have a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan.
Youth sports can begin team practices and outdoor games and scrimmages as of June 24, and indoor games and scrimmages as of July 1.
Closed, canceled and delayed
Walz signed an executive order directing the commissioner of education to provide a "safe and effective summer learning environment" for students. Public and charter schools can choose to offer summer learning through a hybrid model of limited in-person and remote learning, or continue distance learning.
Large public events of more than 250 people remain prohibited in Phase Three.
Testing and tracing
Walz announced on April 2 that the state's health plans — including those offered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota and HealthPartners, among others — have agreed to waive expenses related to COVID-19 testing and treatment.
On April 22, Walz launched a statewide testing strategy in partnership with the Mayo Clinic and University of Minnesota. The plan involves testing all symptomatic people, isolating confirmed cases and expanding public health surveillance tools.
The Minnesota Department of Health is recommending anyone who attended a protest, vigil or community clean-up get tested for COVID-19 within a week of the event.
Relief and resources
The governor issued a "temporary moratorium on eviction actions" allowing residents to remain "stably housed" while safeguarding the public.
Walz signed two executive orders on April 6: one that authorizes out-of-state mental health providers to treat Minnesota patients through telehealth services, and one that amends a previous order aimed at expediting state unemployment insurance benefits.
The state passed a bill expanding workers' compensation eligibility for first responders and front-line workers by allowing them to qualify for benefits if they test positive for COVID-19.
Hiring for executive branch positions is frozen, and Walz has implementedsalary cuts for himself, his chief of staff and cabinet agency commissioners for the rest of the year.
Walz signed legislation allowing restaurants and bars to sell unopened beer, hard seltzer, cider and wine with food orders during the outbreak.
On April 18, Walz launched a week-long statewide homemade mask drive, encouraging Minnesotans to create cloth masks and donate them to their local fire department between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on April 25.
The state authorized a total of $30 million to assist child care providers. The Minnesota Department of Human Services is awarding about $9.8 million to providers serving the children of essential workers as part of the first round of emergency funding.
An April 25 executive order authorizes certain out-of-state health care professionals to participate in Minnesota's COVID-19 response.
A May 4 executive order exempts federal, tribal, state and local COVID-19 relief funds from being automatically intercepted by creditors and debt collectors.
On May 7, Walz announced a five-point plan for protecting residents and staff at the state's long-term care facilities.
A May 11 executive order allows students in critical care sectors to attend classes for needed in-person training or testing in order to graduate, helping fill workforce shortages in those sectors.
Walz extended Minnesota's peacetime emergency through August 12, continuing certain protections and access to resources.
An executive order protects workers from discrimination and retaliation as a result of raising concerns about unsafe working conditions during the state of emergency. Individuals who quit their job because of any "adverse work condition related to the pandemic" will remain eligible for unemployment insurance benefits.
Walz signed a bill providing $62.5 million in grants for small businesses impacted by the pandemic. Eligible businesses with 50 or fewer employees can apply for grants of up to $10,000. Half of the funding will go to Greater Minnesota businesses, at least $10 million will go to minority-owned businesses and $2.5 million each will go to veteran-owned businesses, women-owned businesses and cultural malls. Applications opened on June 23.
Walz announced a $56.5 million proposal for emergency child care grants.
State officials announced that 31 credit unions and banks will extend some mortgage relief options to homeowners facing pandemic-related financial hardship who are not covered by the CARES Act.
Walz announced a $100 million program to help Minnesotans struggling with their housing costs.
The state is distributing nearly 4 million masks to businesses, their customers and people who are unable to afford or easily obtain one.
Status of Stay-at-Home order
Gov. Mike Parson issued a statewide "Stay Home Missouri" order effective April 6. People may only leave their places of residence when necessary, and must practice social distancing. Parson extended the order through May 3. Missouri was in phase one of its "Show Me Strong Recovery" plan from May 4 through June 15.
Parson has not issued a mask order, saying "it is not the government's place to mandate masks for the entire state."
Parson announced the two-phase "Show Me Strong Recovery" plan for getting Missourians safely back to work. The pillars of the plan are testing volume, personal protective equipment supply, health care system capacity, and public health data.The state has issued health and safety guidance for businesses, communities and citizens during the recovery period.
Under phase one of the plan, there are no limits on gathering size, but people must adhere to social distancing requirements as they resume social and economic activities. All businesses can reopen provided they follow specific social distancing guidelines. Local officials have the authority to put some additional rules and regulations in place.
Under phase one, medical providers can provide non-emergency health care at their discretion, in accordance with state public health and safety guidelines. Providers are encouraged to allow patients to wait in their vehicles.
The majority of Missouri state parks and historic sites remained open, and the Department of Natural Resources gradually lifted various restrictions during the month of May.
On May 4, concession-operated lodging, dining, marina and retail operations began reopening at select state parks, in line with social distancing guidelines.
Missouri State Parks campgrounds began a phased reopening on May 18.
Beginning May 11, written and skills testing services for driver's licenses are resuming at limited Missouri State Highway Patrol locations.
Parson extended Phase One of the state's recovery plan through June 15. He reiterated that events such as graduations, weddings, county fairs, summer school and camps can take place with proper precautions.
Missouri "fully reopened" by entering Phase 2 on June 16. There is no statewide health order, and all statewide restrictions are lifted. Local officials still have the authority to put further restrictions and ordinances in place. Individuals should continue practicing social distancing and proper hygiene.
On June 15, the state Department of Health and Senior Services released updated guidance to allow for outside and window visitation at long-term care facilities, in line with specific protocols. Long-term care facilities did not fully reopen on June 16, and the department is set to release additional guidance for a phased-in approach to relaxing restrictions. It also issued guidance for facilities wanting to allow communal dining and group activities.
State education officials released guidance for local leaders planning their K-12 school reopening strategies.
Closed, canceled and delayed
Parson postponed municipal elections to June 2.
On June 1, Parson announced an additional $209 million in expenditure restrictions, primarily affecting theDepartment of Higher Education and Workforce Development and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Citing public health and safety concerns as well as limited sponsorship participation, the Missouri State Fair announced its traditional fair will "pivot" to a youth livestock show, to be held in mid-August.
Testing and tracing
On May 13, Parson announced expanded testing priorities for detecting and containing potential outbreaks. The strategy involves identifying potential outbreaks through community sampling, rapidly deploying tests and resources to outbreak sites and expanding testing access for vulnerable populations and essential workers. He said the state could perform 60,000 tests per week if needed.
On May 20, Parson announced efforts to increase testing in high-risk settings, including long-term care facilities. The state is working with "about 50 homes" that have not yet completed facility-wide testing.
The state launched an interactive data dashboard with COVID-19 cases, deaths, hospitalizations and demographics.
Parson released a plan for ramping up statewide testing volume to 7,500 tests per day, focusing on box-in testing, sentinel testing and community sampling.
Relief and resources
Parson signed a $6.2 billion supplemental budget on April 10 that will provide access to federal funding under the CARES Act for coronavirus-related expenses and economic relief.
Missouri's Department of Transportation received a $61.7 million federal grant for rural transit as part of the CARES Act.
The Federal Aviation Administration is awarding a $152.4 million grant for the state's airports under the CARES Act.
Parson announced that state grants totaling $3.05 million were awarded to 16 broadband development projects working to bring high-speed internet access to rural areas.
Parson announced two rounds of expenditure restrictions in April, of $180 million and $47 million respectively, to balance the budget and preserve funds to deal with COVID-19.
The Missouri Supreme Court and several judicial circuits suspended or postponed proceedings that included eviction and foreclosure cases until May 15.
An order allowing restaurants to sell unprepared food has been extended through December 30.
Under the CARES Act, Missouri is receiving $66 million for child care assistance and $1.5 million for regional food banks.
The Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is receiving an emergency grant of $1.3 million for COVID-19 disaster recovery, and will target dislocated workers across the state. It is also launching the #RecoverMO campaign to hold virtual job fairs and highlight short-term training programs.
Parson signed a bill making mail-in absentee ballots an option for voters who specifically request one, and requiring absentee voters to submit a notarized statement with their ballot. Another provision in the bill allows voters who have contracted or are at risk of contracting COVID-19 to submit their absentee ballot without notarization. These two provisions will expire on December 31.
Parson extended Missouri's state of emergency through December 30, continuing access to federal resources. He also extended executive orders easing certain regulatory requirements and mobilizing the National Guard through that date.
The Department of Social Services announced $15 million in additional funding for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which will help eligible households pay their summer cooling bills from June 1 through September 30. The move doubles the maximum benefit amount to $600.
The requirement that individuals applying for unemployment benefits must show they are actively looking for employment was waived until the week of July 5. A waiting week also resumed for all new unemployment claims beginning that week.
The Missouri Department of Revenue announced that due to the pandemic, it will automatically renew and mail Permanent Disabled Placards for eligible individuals starting July 31.
Low-income families experiencing job loss due to the pandemic can apply for a temporary Child Care Subsidy while seeking employment.
Parson announced $50 million in grant programs for small businesses and manufacturers.
Status of Stay-at-Home order
Gov. Pete Ricketts did not issue a stay-at-home order, though Dr. Anthony Fauci of the White House Coronavirus Task Force called the state's health directives "functionally equivalent." All counties were previously covered by Nebraska's Directed Health Measure provisions, the strictest of which limited public gatherings to a maximum of 10 people, prohibited elective procedures and closed dine-in service at restaurants and bars. From May 4 through May 31, each of the state's 19 local health departments had its own Directed Health Measure, which gradually lifted certain restrictions. As of early September, all counties are either in Phase 3 or Phase 4.
Ricketts has not issued a mask mandate, and said on Aug. 4 that the state would take legal action if the city of Omaha issued such an order.
On April 24, Ricketts announced that certain restrictions on social gatherings and business operations will be loosened on a regional basis starting May 4, though individuals must still practice social distancing.
Ricketts announced that elective surgeries may resume on May 4, as long as hospitals and health care facilities meet specific requirements for available bed capacity and personal protective equipment supply.
The statewide closure of all beauty and nail salons, barber shops, massage therapy services, gentlemen's clubs, bottle clubs, indoor theaters and tattoo studios was extended to May 3. The state released guidance for the reopening of salons, barber shops, massage therapy services and body art services.
Statewide restrictions on places of worship are relaxed as of May 4. Ricketts has issued health and safety guidance for faith-based services.
Restaurants, personal care services and child care facilities can reopen, with limited capacity and social distancing protocols, in 10 districts as of May 4. The state has issued new guidelines for restaurants, such as requiring workers to wear masks.
Dental facilities with sufficient supply of personal protective equipment can resume surgeries beginning May 4, in accordance with state guidance.
The state relaxed its health directives in three additional districts on May 11. A fourth district moved to a less restrictive Directed Health Measure on May 13. Less restrictive health measures took effect in three more regions, in the southern part of the state, on May 18. These relaxed measures allow for the limited reopening of restaurants and personal care services, and increase the per room childcare limits from 10 to 15 children.
Beginning June 1, schools can open their weight rooms for use by student athletes, as long as they follow the guidelines for gyms and health clubs.
New directed health measures took effect on June 1. Phase One reopening measures apply to Dakota County and three counties in the Central District Health Department, and less restrictive Phase Two measures apply to the rest of the state.
Statewide, only individuals returning from international travel will be required to self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival. Limited and non-contact team sports for youth and adults can resume practices on June 1 and games on June 18. Rodeos can begin.
For Phase Two counties, gatherings are limited to a maximum of 25 people or 25% of rated occupancy. Restaurants remain open for dine-in, and bars can open, both limited to 50% occupancy with a maximum of six people per table. Gyms, salons, barber shops, massage therapy services, tattoo parlors and wedding and funeral reception venues can operate with occupancy limits and other restrictions.
Also in Phase Two counties, drive-in movies can operate if patrons remain inside their vehicles. Parades, carnivals, dances and beer gardens are prohibited until at least June 30.
For the four counties in Phase One, gatherings remain limited to a maximum of 10 people. Salons, barber shops, massage therapy services and tattoo parlors can open with restrictions. Restaurants can open for dine-in service at 50% capacity, and bars remain closed. Childcare facilities may allow up to 15 children per room, subject to standard staff-to-child ratios.
As of May 27, the Department of Motor Vehicles is resuming driving tests in all counties where courthouses are "open to walk-in public traffic."
The state released guidance for the gradual easing of restrictions at nursing homes and long-term care facilities in three phases. Facilities can move to the second phase of the plan if they are located in Phase Two districts and meet the criteria of the LTC Phasing Guidance. Facilities can move to the third phase if they are located in a Phase 3 district, complete baseline testing of their staff and meet other guidance criteria.
Effective June 22, 89 counties moved to Phase Three of reopening, and the remaining four counties entered Phase Two.
Statewide as of June 22, fan attendance for youth and school games can expand to the same limit as other gatherings, and are no longer limited to household members only. All restrictions on elective surgeries will lift. Contact team sports can begin practices and games starting July 1.
In Phase Three counties, restaurants and bars remain open and can expand to 100% occupancy with a maximum of eight individuals in a party. Food may be consumed in a bar setting, and games such as pool and darts are allowed. Self-serve buffets and salad bars are prohibited. Child care facilities can operate with age group-specific capacity limits. Gyms, fitness centers and health clubs can operate at 75% capacity. Personal care service facilities can operate at 75% capacity, with both workers and patrons required to wear masks at almost all times. Wedding and funeral venues can allow a maximum of eight individuals at a table, and must limit dances or social events requiring guests to leave their respective tables.
Also in Phase Three, indoor gatherings expand to 50% of rated occupancy and outdoor gatherings expand to 75% occupancy, with no gatherings to exceed 10,000 people. Groups can be no larger than eight individuals, and groups must keep 6 feet apart. All indoor and outdoor venues that hold 500 or more individuals must submit plans to their local health department for approval before reopening or expanding to new capacity limits.
A modified Nebraska State Fair will take place at the end of August.
State officials outlined plans for schools to reopen based on local conditions. The University of Nebraska plans to welcome students back to campus in August.
All counties were in Phase Three of reopening as of July 6. One local health department district moved to Phase Four on July 24, and two more joined on August 1.
In Phase Four, limits on gatherings at a variety of venues expand to 75% of rated occupancy indoors and 100% outdoors. Restrictions on restaurants, bars, churches, child care centers and other businesses become guidance.
Health officials announced that all counties currently in Phase 3 will move to Phase 4 on Sept. 14 "unless hospitalizations drastically change," and remain there through Oct. 31.
Counties currently in Phase 4 will remain there through Sept. 30.
Closed, canceled and delayed
Parades, carnivals, dances, street dances and beer gardens remain prohibited in Phase Three, with some exceptions.
Testing and tracing
People who have tested positive for COVID-19, experience symptoms or reside with individuals who do must home quarantine for at least 14 days.
The state launched a public-private partnership to scale up COVID-19 testing capacity. The Test Nebraska initiative, similar to those in other states, will "assess, test and track" residents' health, beginning with an online survey.
On June 9, the state announced it will begin phasing in test scheduling open to all residents, including those who previously completed the Test Nebraska assessment but did not qualify for a test.
As part of the plan to gradually ease restrictions on long-term care facilities, the state will help facilitate free baseline testing of residents and staff, and will distribute test kits and personal protective equipment through local health departments.
Ricketts announced on July 21 that Test Nebraska lab capacity will expand from 3,600 to 7,000 tests per day.
Relief and resources
Ricketts proclaimed April 10-30 as "21 Days To Stay Home and Stay Healthy," urging Nebraskans to perform their civic duty by further avoiding nonessential errands and limiting social gatherings.
The proclamation offers additional guidance for practicing good hygiene and social distancing, directing people to telecommute or else "socially distance" their work, avoid visiting long-term care facilities, help children and seniors stay home, and shop alone and only once a week. The "Six Rules To Keep Nebraska Healthy" remained in place for the month of May.
The state is expanding SNAP benefits by easing certain eligibility requirements. It is also extending recertification periods by six months and providing emergency allotments to SNAP recipients in April and May.
Ricketts issued an executive order temporarily prohibiting residential evictions of Nebraskans impacted by COVID-19.
The state Department of Agriculture has enacted temporary regulatory changes allowing restaurants to sell unlabeled packaged foods to customers.
An April 15 executive order expands access to child care by waiving some regulations for the Child Care Subsidy Program. Participating providers may now bill the state for days when a child is absent, and participating families may now obtain in-home child care when other options are unavailable.
State officials recommended on April 22 that municipalities enact a moratorium on utility disconnects for 45 days or longer, noting that most had already done so.
Ricketts issued an executive order expediting the processing of unemployment claims and retroactively extending benefit eligibility to start March 15.
An executive order waives the requirement for Nebraskans age 72 and older to renew their driver's licenses in person. For this population, Class O and motorcycle licenses set to expire between March 1 and December 31 are extended for one year.
Ricketts announced a plan to invest CARES Act funding in four areas. He said the state will put $85 million towards critical community services, $392 million towards business and agriculture, $180 million towards reimbursing state and local governments and $427 million towards the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund and potential general budget flexibility.
The state will direct $20 million in federal funding to support child care providers through new and existing initiatives. Programs include the Child Care Relief Fund, Child Care Provider Stabilization Grants, Incentive to Reopen Child Care Program Grants, a Nebraska Child Care Referral Network website and after school and summer learning initiatives for school-age children.
State officials announced $387 million in four economic development grant programs to support eligible small businesses and livestock producers, community college workforce retraining efforts, rural broadband expansion and business leadership training. Applications opened on June 15.
An updated executive order changed the deadline for Nebraskans to renew a driver's license or complete vehicle titling and registration requirements to Aug. 31.
North Dakota
Status of Stay-at-Home order
Gov. Doug Burgum did not issue a statewide stay-at-home order. Many types of businesses were ordered closed through April 30, and could resume or continue operations in accordance with "North Dakota Smart Restart" protocols as of May 1.
On April 27, Burgum announced that he would lift certain restrictions and implement new guidelines for businesses as they continue or resume operations after the executive order expires on April 30. He has emphasized that the reopening of businesses is voluntary for those that can meet protocols, and is encouraging people to continue teleworking whenever possible.
The "North Dakota Smart Restart" roadmap offers universal protocols and industry-specific guidance for businesses to protect the health and safety of both workers and customers. On April 28, Burgum released guidance for sectors including restaurants, bars, salons, tattoo parlors and fitness centers. On April 29, Burgum released guidance for movie theaters.
The North Dakota Parks & Recreation Department has issued rules and timelines for easing restrictions on park use. Marinas and boat ramps opened on May 9 and 10. Campgrounds reopened May 21 for limited-service camping. All visitor centers, concession buildings and comfort stations were closed until Memorial Day. Site-specific equipment rentals resumed on Memorial Day weekend. Playgrounds are closed and special events are canceled until further notice.
Burgum is allowing schools to use their facilities for high school graduation ceremonies with specific safety, sanitation and social distancing protocols. The state has issued guidance, and is letting local school boards and administrators decide "whether, when or where" ceremonies should be held.
Burgum announced that starting June 1, public and nonpublic schools can host certain activities including summer school, driver's education and college admissions testing. Schools can still choose to offer summer instruction through distance learning.
Burgum issued operating protocols for large gatherings, banquets, ballrooms and event venues.
Burgum announced on May 29 that the state is moving from the moderate to low risk level. Recommended capacity in bars and restaurants increases to 75%, movie theater capacity increases to 65% and fitness centers may consider resuming classes with "high inhalation/exhalation exchange" with social distancing. The recommended capacity for banquets and weddings increases to 75% of venue occupancy, capped at 500 attendees.
A June 5 executive order modifies restrictions at long-term care facilities, allowing for a phased approach to resuming visitation. The state is encouraging outdoor visitation by appointment with protective measures, and certain long-term care facilities approved for Phase 1 can resume group dining and other activities.
State officials released K-12 Smart Restart guidelines to help school districts plan for reopening in the fall, either with in-person instruction, distance learning or a mix of both.
Testing and tracing
Individuals who test positive for COVID-19, and their household members, are ordered to self-quarantine in their place of residence for 14 days, according to an April 6 executive order.
Burgum outlined a plan to expand the state's COVID-19 testing capacity, with the goal of performing 1,800 tests per day by April 30.
The state is conducting serial COVID-19 testing in targeted settings such as long-term care facilities.
Relief and resources
Burgum issued an executive order waiving the one-week waiting period to obtain unemployment benefits, as the state saw a surge in jobless claims.
Burgum signed an order suspending visitation to long-term care facilities, "except in cases of end-of-life or compassionate care circumstances," until further notice.
Burgum signed an executive order allowing Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities and Qualified Residential Treatment Programs to make certain policy and regulatory changes in order to continue providing critical services for vulnerable youth.
The North Dakota Emergency Commission voted to utilize over $500 million in federal funding for the state's COVID-19 response and recovery efforts, with most of the money going towards economic recovery. In June, it approved an additional $406 million in federal funds for the state's pandemic response.
Burgum signed an executive order extending the renewal date for motor vehicle registrations and driver licenses that expired on or after March 1, initially to August 31 and extended the renewal deadlines for licenses expiring between March 1 and Dec. 31 based on a phased schedule.
An executive order effective July 26 restores the work registration and search requirements for people seeking unemployment benefits.
The state launched a free smartphone app designed to notify users of possible COVID-19 exposure while protecting their privacy.
Status of Stay-at-Home order
Gov. Mike DeWine issued a stay-at-home order requiring individuals to stay at least 6 feet away from non-household members "as much as reasonably possible" until at least May 1. A modified order extended stay-at-home directives originallythrough May 29, while incrementally allowing certain businesses and activities to resume according to sector-specific requirements.
On May 19, DeWine announced an urgent health advisory that replaced stay-at-home orders with "strong recommendations." Under the "Ohioans Protecting Ohioans" advisory, residents are encouraged to stay home as much as possible, especially if they are high-risk. Gatherings remain limited to a maximum of 10 people, and social distancing and sanitation efforts are still required.
Overall travel restrictions and quarantine requirements are lifted, though unnecessary travel within or beyond the state is not encouraged. Individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 or exhibiting symptoms are prohibited from entering the state, with few exceptions.
Ohioans are encouraged to wear cloth masks in public, in line with CDC recommendations. DeWine said on April 28 that wearing masks in retail stores is strongly recommended but not required, though face coverings can still be mandated for employees.
Face coverings must be worn in public in designated high-risk counties, effective July 8.
A statewide mask order took effect on the evening of July 23.
The governors of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin announced on April 16 that they will work in close coordination to safely reopen Midwestern states.
An April 22 order directs health care providers in hospitals and outpatient surgery centers to reassess elective procedures and surgeries that had previously been postponed. Providers are required to inform patients of the risk of contracting COVID-19 and its impact on the post-operative recovery process.
Health care procedures that do not require an overnight hospital stay, as well as all dental and veterinary procedures, can resume beginning May 1.
On April 27, DeWine announced the first steps of economic reopening. Manufacturing, construction and distribution can reopen starting May 4. General office environments can also reopen that day, but teleworking is encouraged. Consumer, retail and other services may resume starting May 12. All businesses must follow specific social distancing guidelines.
Personal care services such as hair salons, barbershops, day spas, nail salons and tanning facilities may reopen beginning May 15 in compliance with state guidelines. Massage therapy, acupuncture, cosmetic therapy and tattoo and body piercing services can also open in line with mandatory and recommended best practices.
Restaurants and bars can reopen outdoor dining on May 15 and dine-in service on May 21, in line with recommended and mandatory best practices.
Campgrounds can reopen in line with mandatory and recommended best practices starting May 21.
Horse racing can resume without spectators beginning May 22. This does not apply to casinos and racinos.
Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles locations can reopen for certain services if they meet safety protocols, beginning May 26. Services that can be completed onlineshould be done remotely.
Beginning May 26,gyms and fitness centers can reopen in accordance with state guidance. Leagues for non-contact and limited-contact sports can operate with safety protocols. Public and club pools that are regulated by local health departments can reopen if they meet safety requirements and best practices.
Also beginning May 26, miniature golf, batting cages and bowling alleys may resume operations, and skills training for all sports can resume if safety requirements are met.
Child care providers and day camps can reopen beginning May 31 if they meet required safety protocols. The state is putting more than $60 million in federal CARES Act funding towards reopening grants for all of its child care providers.
Beginning June 1, catering and banquet centers can reopen if they follow specific safety protocols such as spacing tables 6 feet apart and capping gatherings at 300 people.
Assisted living facilities and intermediate care facilities for individuals with developmental disabilities can allow outdoor visitation beginning June 8, if they take proper precautions.
The state released guidance for local health departments about holding junior fairs and limited livestock shows, effective June 2. DeWine said decisions about county and independent fairs should be made based on local conditions, and that the Department of Agriculture is in the process of distributing funding for the state's 94 fairs.
Deluxe cabins at several state parks opened June 1, and nine state park lodges opened on June 5.
Health care providers, including dentists, may resume all surgeries and procedures that had been previously delayed, in line with specific guidelines.
DeWine announced that Ohio intends to reopen schools in the fall, with start dates at the discretion of local school boards.
DeWine announced on June 4 that day camps and residential camps may open.
The following entertainment facilities can open beginning June 10 in line with specific guidance: aquariums, art galleries, country clubs, ice skating rinks, indoor family entertainment centers, indoor sports facilities, laser tag facilities, indoor movie theaters, museums, outdoor playgrounds, public recreation centers, roller skating rinks, social clubs, trampoline parks and zoos.
The Ohio BMV resumed driver examination station skills testing by appointment only at six locations on June 12, with remaining locations opening for appointments on June 16. Modified procedures allow the examiner to evaluate the driver from outside the car.
DeWine announced that casinos, racinos, amusement parks and water parks can open beginning June 19.
DeWine provided recommendations to houses of worship for resuming in-person services, which many had paused voluntarily.
Contact practice for all sports can resume as of June 22, in line with safety protocols and at the discretion of local organizers and leaders.
Nursing homes that meet specific safety requirements can allow outdoor visitation beginning July 20.
DeWine announced guidelines and requirements for reopening K-12 schools in the fall.
The state health department issued an order allowing contact and non-contact competition to resume for all sports if teams comply with specific requirements.
State officials released minimum operating standards and best practices for institutions of higher education.
DeWine issued a travel advisory for individuals entering Ohio from designated states with COVID-19 positivity rates of 15 percent or higher. Visitors and residents coming from those states must self-quarantine for 14 days at home or in a hotel.
Child care providers may return to their normal ratios and class sizes starting August 9.
A health order requires K-12 children to wear face coverings while at school.
Mass gatherings remain limited to 10 people statewide.
DeWine signed an executive order prohibiting the sale of alcohol at liquor-permitted establishments after 10 p.m. each night, with on-premises consumption prohibited after 11 p.m.
DeWine said on Aug. 11 that the majority of public school districts are planning to resume in-person classes in the fall.
An Aug. 19 order allows all contact and non-contact sports to proceed in the fall in compliance with specific safety, sanitation, social distancing and spectator requirements. A provision allows schools to apply to the state and local health departments for a higher spectator limit.
Seniors centers and adult day care centers can open at reduced capacity beginning Sept. 21 if facilities meet specific health standards.
DeWine announced on Aug. 21 that a forthcoming order will allow performance theaters to reopen with indoor attendance capped at the lesser of 15% capacity or 300 people, and outdoor attendance capped at the lesser of 15% capacity or 1,500 people.
Closed, canceled and delayed
The 2020 Ohio State Fair, originally scheduled to run July 29 through August 9, has been canceled.
All fairs starting July 31 or later will be limited to only junior fair events, such as livestock and 4-H competitions.
Testing and tracing
The Ohio Department of Health ordered long-term care facilities to notify residents and families within 24 hours of a staff member or resident testing positive for COVID-19.
DeWine ordered mass testing at Ohio's two state nursing home facilities for veterans.
Newly-created Congregate Care Unified Response Teams will test residents and staff at the state's nursing homes. They will test all staff in all nursing facilities, and certain residents in facilities with confirmed or assumed positive cases, based on their level of potential exposure. The response teams will also test all residents and staff at the state's eight developmental centers.
The Ohio Board of Pharmacy is allowing pharmacists to order and administer COVID-19 tests.
DeWine announced on June 11 that anyone who wants a COVID-19 test can get one, even if they are low-risk or not showing symptoms.
The governors of Maryland, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio and Virginia announced an interstate compact with the Rockefeller Foundation to purchase a total of 3 million rapid antigen tests.
Relief and resources
Residents are encouraged to donate personal protection equipment to Ohio health care workers and first responders by contacting local emergency management agency offices.
An executive order signed April 4 expands access to telehealth services from counselors, social workers, and marriage and family counselors by eliminating certain requirements.
DeWine signed an executive order into effect on April 7 that allows establishments with liquor licenses to sell and deliver drinks, including high-proof liquor, for off-premises consumption.
DeWine announced on April 15 that he had approved the early release of 105 individuals from state prisons under an existing emergency overcrowding statue.
In response to people traveling from out of state to purchase alcohol, in-person liquor sales in border counties have been restricted to Ohio residents only.
DeWine signed an executive order providing nearly $5 million in emergency funding to Ohio's food banks and hunger relief network.
DeWine created a Minority Health Strike Force to examine how COVID-19 is disproportionately impacting minority groups in the state and provide assistance.
The Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation approved the sending of $1.6 billion in dividends to private employers and local government taxing districts. DeWine announced on April 21 that more than 170,000 checks would be mailed out within five days.
The Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services launched a mental health talk line for anyone experiencing stress related to the coronavirus.
The state is covering the costs of continuing care for more than 200 youths who would otherwise age out of the foster care system during the pandemic.
Ohio has shipped 4.1 million pieces of personal protective equipment to local emergency management agencies.
Nearly $16 million in criminal justice grant funding is available to help local agencies prevent the spread of COVID-19.
DeWine announced $775 million in reductions to Ohio's General Revenue Fund for the remainder of the fiscal year ending June 30. Budget cuts will be made to Medicaid, K-12 Foundation payment, higher education funding, education line items and other agencies.
The state is offering a one-time Liquor Rebate Program to help bars and restaurants. Eligible permit holders can receive a $500 rebate for high proof liquor.
Ohio will distribute SNAP benefits to the families of the 850,000 students eligible for free or reduced-price school meals.
The Ohio Department of Aging is offering a free, daily check-in phone call for adults over the age of 60.
DeWine is assembling an enforcement team, comprised of law enforcement and health officials, to conduct safety compliance checks in reopened bars and restaurants. Businesses that violate the Stay Safe Ohio order will receive administrative citations that could lead to losing their liquor license, and the state will work with municipal prosecutors to take potential criminal actions against business owners.
The Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation will distribute at least 2 million non-medical-grade face masks to public and private employers that participate in the State Insurance Fund. Employers will receive packages of at least 50 face coverings.
DeWine said the state is distributing thousands of Community Wellness Kits, containing items like hand sanitizer and face coverings, to families in communities disproportionately affected by the pandemic.
Licenses that expired on or after March 9 are valid until December 1 or 90 days after the state of emergency ends, whichever comes first.
The state is offering $1 million in grants for faith-based and community-based organizations to provide mental health support during the pandemic.
The Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation is deferring employers' premium installments for the months of June, July and August.
The state created three programs to help small and medium-sized businesses during the pandemic: the Ohio PPE Retooling and Reshoring Grant Program, the Ohio Minority Micro-Enterprise Grant Program and the Appalachian Region Loan Program.
Ohio SNAP recipients can now purchase food online from Walmart and Amazon.
The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services is receiving an $8.5 million federal grant to help reemploy individuals who lost their jobs as a result of the pandemic.
DeWine announced $1 million in grant funding for Ohio's local Family and Children First Councils, which will be used to buy technological devices to help kids connect with their loved ones and access medical services.
DeWine signed an executive order broadening the definition of what constitutes of "good cause" for refusing suitable work during the state of emergency.
DeWine announced on June 23 that the first round of funding, totaling $2.1 million, is being distributed to 65 local criminal justice entities as part of the Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Grant, to be used for COVID-19 expenses.
South Dakota
Status of Stay-at-Home order
South Dakota had no statewide stay-at-home order. Gov. Kristi Noem issued an executive order through May 31 that strengthened the language used to require South Dakotans to practice CDC-recommended hygiene practices and social distancing. It also ordered businesses and local and municipal governments to restrict gatherings of 10 or more people, told employers to encourage staff to telework and social distance and required health care organizations to postpone all nonessential elective surgeries.
Noem also ordered adults over the age of 65, and anyone with certain underlying medical conditions, in Minnehaha and Lincoln counties to stay home. There are exceptions for critical infrastructure jobs and essential errands. The order expired on May 11, though Noem said she would revisit it if necessary.
Noem extended the state of emergency to December 30.
On April 28, Noem announced the "Back to Normal" plan, which outlines guidance for individuals, schools, employers, health care providers and local governments. She also signed an executive order putting the plan into effect.
An executive order offers guidance regarding how the "Back to Normal" plan applies to state government. Cabinet secretaries and bureau commissioners have the authority to call employees back to the office, though administrative leave is still allowed for employees who cannot come in and cannot work remotely. Approved out-of-state work-related travel is allowed.
Noem signed an executive order extending the COVID-19 emergency period until December 30 while making some previously-suspended regulations enforceable again. For example, titling and registration of motor vehicles and manufactured homes must be completed before August 1, and driver's licenses expiring during the emergency must be renewed by the end of the year.
Closed, canceled and delayed
Elections to be held between April 14 and May 26 have been postponed.
Requirements that students take national standardized tests have been waived.
Visitation to senior care facilities and hospitals remains restricted under the "Back to Normal" plan.
Testing and tracing
Officials announced that South Dakota is ramping up testing of vulnerable populations. A four-week plan to test all residents and staff at nursing homes and assisted living facilities statewide began May 18. Noem said the state will also conduct mass testing in some tribal communities, and work with employers of essential and critical infrastructure as it did at Smithfield Foods.
Relief and resources
The state has created a small business economic disaster relief subfund that can make appropriations.
Noem signed an executive order removing barriers to licensure for health care professionals and expanding access to telehealth.
Noem signed an executive order on April 20 giving hog producers temporarily flexibility in their state and county regulatory operations.
At an April 21 press conference, Noem encouraged people not to attend two upcoming auto races that had sold hundreds of tickets, but did not opt to take more restrictive action. The speedways later decided to hold the races without spectators present.
The governor's Small Business Relief Fund announced its first 94 recipients, totaling more than $5 million in loans.
Noem signed an executive order suspending a statute related to the renewal of certain alcoholic beverage licenses.
The state received $9 million in CARES Act funding to help child care programsrespond to pandemic-related challenges.
Noem announced the Local Government COVID Recovery Fund, which will support cities and counties seeking state reimbursement for eligible pandemic-related expenses.
Noem announced the launch of UpSkill, a program to support workers impacted by the pandemic through 22 online certification programs in high-demand fields. Those programs will begin in the fall at the state's four technical colleges.
An executive order gives flexibility to Opportunity Scholarship applicants who did not have the chance to take the ACT over the summer due to the pandemic.
Status of Stay-at-Home order
On May 13, Wisconsin's Supreme Court overturned the existing stay-at-home order and ruled that all future statewide coronavirus-related restrictions must be approved by the legislature's rule-making committee.In response, some local governments have issued their own stay-at-home orders and announced that the state's order will continue to apply in their jurisdiction.Gov. Tony Evers is urging Wisconsinites to "continue doing their part" by staying home, practicing social distancing and limiting travel.
Previously, Evers had extended the statewide stay-at-home order through the morning of May 26. Residents were ordered to stay at their place of residence with the exception of essential activities, and maintain 6 feet of distance from others, and all public or private gatherings of people who are not part of the same living unit were prohibited.
A statewide order requiring people to wear face coverings while indoors and not in a private residence took effect on Aug. 1.
The governors of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin announced on April 16 that they will work in close coordination to safely reopen Midwestern states.
Evers announced the "Badger Bounce Back" plan on April 20. The plan outlines phases and criteria for the incremental reopening of Wisconsin's economy.
The state has compiled general and industry-specific guidelines for reopening.
An April 27 executive order further eases restrictions on certain businesses. Nonessential businesses can do curbside drop-offs of goods and animals. Rentals of outdoor recreational vehicles like boats and golf carts can resume, and automatic and self-service car washes can operate. All of the businesses must operate "free of contact with customers" by taking payments online or by phone; they must also follow disinfecting practices.
The Department of Natural Resources reopened 34 state parks and forests on May 1, under special conditions to minimize overcrowding and facilitate social distancing. Camping was prohibited and events were suspended through May 26. It previously closed 40 state parks, forests and recreational areas "until further notice."
While religious institutions were considered essential under the stay-at-home order, they were required to abide by the 10-person limit. Evers issued guidanceencouraging houses of worship to conduct services online, in parking lots with congregants in their cars, or shifts of small groups.
A May 11 order allows all standalone and strip mall-based retail stores to offer in-person shopping for up to five customers at a time while enforcing social distancing protocols. It also permits drive-in theaters to resume limited operations.
Closed, canceled and delayed
Public and private K-12 schools were closed to in-person instruction and extracurricular activities for the remainder of the 2019-2020 academic year.
Evers issued an executive order on April 6, a day before the state's primary election was set to take place, delaying in-person voting to June 9. State Republicans immediately challenged it in Wisconsin Supreme Court, which blocked the delay. That night, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the state could not accept absentee ballots postmarked after its voting day, reversing a lower court decision that would have given Wisconsinites six extra days to vote by mail.
Testing and tracing
Evers announced on May 1 that state officials are working with local health departments to create testing sites in areas lacking access to tests or experiencing high rates of COVID-19.
On May 4, Evers announced a plan to further expand the state's COVID-19 testing capacity, with the goal of conducting 85,000 tests per week.
Evers also announced a plan to scale up contact tracing efforts, with the goal of having 1,000 tracers statewide.
Evers is encouraging anyone who has been in large groups, whether at work or at protests, to get tested.
Evers announced $32 million in financial assistance to support COVID-19 testing on the campuses of the University of Wisconsin System and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Relief and resources
Evictions and foreclosures in the state were ordered suspended on March 27. Certain licensing requirements for health care workers were also suspended.
Two state-operated voluntary self-isolation facilities will open in Madison and Milwaukee.
The state is seeking active and retired health care professionals, as well as individuals who wish to help in non-clinical support positions, to volunteer for the new Wisconsin Emergency Assistance Volunteer Registry.
Wisconsin received a donation of 10,000 procedural masks and 1,000 medical outfits from Heilongjiang Province, its sister state in China.
Evers announced that $2 million in grants is available for one thousand eligible and ethnically diverse micro-businesses that have suffered losses due to the pandemic.
The state received a donation of approximately 210,000 procedural masks from international businesses and the Taiwanese government for distribution to health care and public safety professionals.
Evers announced $75 million in assistance for small businesses through the Wisconsin Economic Development Commission's "We're All In" initiative, funded largely by federal aid from the CARES Act. Eligible small businesses can apply in June to receive cash grants of $2,500.
The Department of Children and Families announced the Child Care Counts initiative, a $51 million emergency payment program to support Wisconsin's early care and education community. Evers announced on June 12 that 2,367 early care and education providers had received more than $32 million, with a second application period open through June 19.
Evers announced a $25 million Wisconsin Rental Assistance Program, which will provide direct financial assistance to eligible individuals who have lost income as a result of the pandemic.
Evers announced a $1 billion statewide effort to support COVID-19 testing, contact tracing, supply acquisition, emergency operations and community resources, using CARES Act funding.
Evers announced an initiative to fight food insecurity and invest in agriculture. A $50 million Wisconsin Farm Support Program will provide direct payments to farmers, while a $15 million Food Security Initiative will support food banks, pantries and nonprofit organizations statewide.
Evers announced a $100 million grant program, funded through the CARES Act, that will support providers facing financial hardship during the pandemic. Providers include emergency medical services, home and community-based services and long-term care facilities.
The state launched the "Routes to Recovery: Local Government Aid Grants" program, a $200 million effort funded by the CARES Act that aims to help local leaders address COVID-19 recovery needs. Of that amount, $10 million will be allocated to Wisconsin's tribal nations.
Evers announced that hospitals across the state will receive a total of $40 million in direct payments to help with revenue losses and expenses related to COVID-19.
Evers announced more than $80 million in financial assistance will go to the state's K-12 schools and institutions of higher education to assist their response to pandemic-related challenges.
Evers announced statewide efforts to distribute more than 2 million cloth face masks and more than 4,200 infrared thermometers to K-12 public, charter and private schools, as well as approximately 60,000 masks to local food processors and businesses.
The first version of this page was originally published on March 12.
This is a developing story. We will continue to update as new information becomes available.
NPR's Brakkton Booker, Merrit Kennedy, Vanessa Romo, Colin Dwyer, Laurel Wamsley, Aubri Juhasz and Bobby Allyn contributed to this report.
This is part of a series about
coronavirus-related restrictions across the United States
Northeast: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
Midwest: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin
South: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia
West: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
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