Voter turnout in the U.S. typically trails behind voter participation rates in other developed nations even as the history of efforts to expand voting rights in this country has been a long, often bloody battle. On the heels of Florida’s primary elections this week, we explore the new virtual exhibition at Florida Gulf Coast University’s Wilson G. Bradshaw Library titled, “Fight for the Ballot: Voting Rights in the 20th Century.”
The exhibit explores a century of efforts to expand voting rights and access including ratification of the 19th Amendment, passage of the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965, passage of the 26th Amendment, efforts to improve voting accessibility to the disabled in the early 1980s and much more. We’re joined by FGCU Library Head of Archives, Special Collections & Digital Initiatives Melissa VandeBurgt, FGCU Graduate student of History and Archives Specialist Bailey Rodgers and FGCU Graduate student of English and Archival Assistant Kinsey Brown.