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Fort Myers Polling Locations Running Smoothly and a Last-Minute Rally for Biden

Biden supporters waved signs and flags in front of Broadway Palm Dinner Theater in Fort Myers this morning from 8am to noon. There was a DJ playing music and they were getting lots of honks and gestures of both support and opposition.
Mike Kiniry
Biden supporters waved signs and flags in front of Broadway Palm Dinner Theater in Fort Myers this morning from 8am to noon. There was a DJ playing music and they were getting lots of honks and gestures of both support and opposition.

WGCU's Mike Kiniry reports from Fort Myers where a last-minute Biden rally popped up in the Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre parking lot.

Julie Glenn: From WGCU News, I'm Julie Glenn. I'm on the phone right now with Mike Kiniry, who has been making the rounds in Fort Myers. Mike, where are you now?

Mike Kiniry: I'm currently in the parking lot of the Broadway Palm Dinner Theater. It's a pro-Biden rally that I came across this morning. It's got maybe two dozen people on the side of Colonial, waving signs, wearing t-shirts, they've got a DJ playing. And they're just trying to whip up some last-minute excitement, I presume. And they're getting lots of honks. I've watched and listened for about 20 minutes, and a lot of people honking. Some people thumbs up, some people providing other gestures, but they're doing what they can to generate some last moments' excitement,

Julie Glenn: Different digit, I understand what you're saying. So, earlier today you went by a few polling places, what kind of things were you seeing out there?

Mike Kiniry: Yeah, I woke up this morning fairly early, and went by four different polling places in East and Central Fort Myers. The [inaudible 00:00:57] Ministries Riverside Community Center, Russell Park Community center, and the STARS Complex. And there were no lines yet on either visit at either place. And when I talked to a couple of people out front, they said that it had been that way all morning. So, everything seems to be going smoothly, and there's nobody waiting.

Julie Glenn: I hear some people honking as they drive by just now. It sounds like the early voting seems to have paid off in the way of keeping the lines down and manageable during the pandemic.

Mike Kiniry: Well, that seems to be the case. I guess you could also think that maybe it's a lack of excitement at the last minute because people aren't actually going. But, I think the Biden campaign is certainly hoping that people have already pre-voted. I also stopped by there was a church right here on the way to the Broadway Palm Dinner Theater on the corner of Colonial and McGregor and it also had no line. I didn't stop, but it had no line. So, from what I can see here in Fort Myers, nobody's waiting to vote on election day.

Julie Glenn: I went down into Collier County and back up here to the middle where we are at the station, and I did not see near as many signs. It seems like signs have been collected. And, as tired as we all may have been of this election season, it seems like people are ready to go out there and start cleaning things up already.

Mike Kiniry: Yeah, no, there's still quite a few signs, I would say, around the polling places that I've seen.

Julie Glenn: Well, around the polling places, yeah.

Mike Kiniry: Oh, in yards and whatnot? Yeah, probably.

Julie Glenn: Yeah. Well, Mike, thank you so much for your reporting.

Mike Kiniry: Okay, well, thank you. I'll see you at the station in a little while.

Julie Glenn: See you in a little bit.