PBS and NPR for Southwest Florida

Woman in bed survives tornado strike.

A tornado ripped through Southwest Florida early Sunday morning. Hundreds of homes were damaged and destroyed. Many residents from Naples to Iona are without shelter. Some have nothing but their lives. Barb MacLaine and her husband are among them.

"Oh no!" MacLaine yelled when seeing what was left of the mobile home she fled when the tornado struck. "I was in bed. It was horrifying," McLaine said.

MacLaine and her husband, residents in the Century 21 Mobile Home Community in Fort Myers (Iona area), who were among those that suffered property damage. However, Century 21, and other neighborhoods in the area suffered extensive damage.

Firefighters spent much of the morning going door-to-door checking for the injured. As of this report, no injuries or fatalities have been reported in Century 21.

Local social service agencies and volunteers are helping residents find shelter, and meet basic living needs.
(Moments by Kinfay/Tell Spark Storytelling

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