The Marco Island Center for the Arts has on view a group show that features work by six accomplished artists.
Barbara Parisi curated the show.
“Transparency refers to the quality of light that passes through a material affecting the way color and shapes are perceived in the artwork,” said Pirisi, explaining the exhibition’s theme. “It can be classified into three degrees. One, clarity, completely transparent, clear, see-through, like air, water, diamonds, clear plastic, clear glass. Translucency, which is semi-transparent, cloudy, fuzzy, you can see this through stained glass, tissue paper or sheer curtains. Opaqueness, you can’t see through this image at all.”

Carol Wareing, Nan LaRosa, Conrad Williams, Giampaolo Curreri, Judi Haller and Mary Limont are the artists participating in the show.
To challenge viewers, Parisi has intermingled their work to illustrate various aspects of transparency rather than displaying each artist separately.

“We have given them an opportunity to view something that’s a little different,” Parisi said. “We’ve not had this type of exhibit, and because we’re setting it up so differently, every time somebody comes to one of our exhibits, we hope they leave having learned something and having engaged in the exhibit itself.”
The exhibition runs through Feb. 25. There will be an artist reception from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Feb. 11.
The Marco Island Center for the Arts is located at 1010 Winterberry Drive.

Giampaolo Curreri’s work falls into the category of “intellectual transparency.” His paintings articulate and challenge the viewer to analyze and interpret moments in time.
Judi Heller’s sculptures cover the “3 degrees” of transparency, even within a single item. They generate visual interest beyond surface appearance.
Nan LaRosa’s paintings emit a definitive sense of light in her precise handling of clear materials.
Mary Limont’s wearable art captures the clear transference of light through her creative and vibrant line of jewelry.
Carol Wareing’s intriguing watercolors allow underlying images to show through, creating a sense of depth, which is not possible with opaque material.
Conrad Williams’ sculptures epitomize the transmission of light through his stunning handling of glass.
Support for WGCU’s arts & culture reporting comes from the Estate of Myra Janco Daniels, the Charles M. and Joan R. Taylor Foundation, and Naomi Bloom in loving memory of her husband, Ron Wallace.