Just like the temperature of a fever stricken patient - Medicare is rising as the hottest campaign issue in Florida ever since Paul Ryan was named as Mitt Romney’s running mate.
The Wisconsin congressman proposed a budget that makes major changes in Medicare for future generations – something Democrats are eagerly pointing out.
In response, Republicans are adding fuel to the Medicare debate.
Florida’s GOP candidate for U.S. Senate - Connie Mack the fourth – says the Democrats are offering no Medicare plan only criticism of Republican reforms.
MACK: They want to frankly lie to the people of the state of Florida saying we want to change Medicare as we know it. We want to try to preserve it and protect it and it’s the Democrats, the Nelson and Obama, that are trying to destroy Medicare.
Yet, a recent Politifact article found Paul Ryan's budget relies on the same $700 billion in savings from Medicare that Mitt Romney and other Republicans have been attacking Democrats about.