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Gov. Scott Qualifies His Priorities IF There's a Budget Surplus

The state Revenue Estimating Conference believes Florida just might end up with a budget surplus at the end of this fiscal year. So, what to do with the extra cash?

Governor Rick Scott promised last week to back increased spending in education if the state has enough money.

In an interview with WUSF the governor qualified that promise – with a lot of if’s.

Scott said, “So, if we have a growing revenue base and we’re able to control the growth rate of Medicaid.”

Gov. Scott says the cost of Medicaid grew 3.5 times the rate of revenue.

“So then if we have those monies we’ll be able to put more money in K-through-12 put more money into other programs that we believe in,” said Scott. “Hopefully continue to make our state more economically competitive by reducing the corporate tax rate for businesses.”

Scott also says paying down the state’s debt – like they did last year – is another option if there’s a revenue surplus.

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