Dozens of area residents with disabilities celebrated the 23rd anniversary the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on Friday.
The day-long event was sponsored by the Center for Independent Living. Jeff Bridges, the group’s chief operating officer, said a lot has changed for people with disabilities in the last two decades, but more can be done.
“A milestone would be for all peoples with disabilities, whether physical or mental, to have all the help and care they need to live independently,” he said. “If we don’t exist anymore then that’s a milestone for us.”
Bridges said the Center for Independent Living’s goal is to enable their clients to realize their full potential.
“Some people come to us with simple goals in mind, you know get social security, or some sort of public assistance,” he said.
What they find instead are resources like cooking classes, computer classes, employment opportunities and employment training.
The gathering at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Ft. Myers included words from inspirational speakers, panel discussions, awards, and finally – music and dancing.