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In Zimmerman Case, FBI Expert Testifies Voice Comparison is Subjective

When you hear someone's voice, can you recognize whose it is? That's the subject of a hearing today in the second-degree murder case of George Zimmerman.

Voice experts disagree on who's calling for help in a 911 call placed just before the former Neighborhood Watch volunteer shot and killed Trayvon Martin. One expert testified yesterday that the science of voice analysis is very subjective.

Hirotaka Nakasone, an FBI voice expert, testified it was impossible for his office to determine whether that's Zimmerman or Martin. He said the voice changes under duress. Different muscles are used, and the pitch rises."I don't think anybody has a system right now which can compare short segment of screaming voice against reasonable natural speech", said Nakasone.

Zimmerman's defense attorney says conflicting expert testimony on the voice only will confuse jurors, and he wants it thrown out.

Martin family attorney Natalie Jackson says either way, the 911 call will be important to jurors.

"They'll hear testimony from I'm sure Sabrina Fulton and also from George Zimmerman's family on whose voice is on there, and the jury will decide", said Jackson.

Zimmerman says he shot Martin in self-defense. Jury selection begins Monday.