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Opening statements in Zimmerman Trial

Opening statements are today  in George Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial. Attorneys will refrain from some possibly inflammatory language like "racial profiling". Judge Debra Nelson ruled Friday attorneys can say "profiling" but not "racial profiling."

They can describe Zimmerman as a "vigilante." But they can't describe his position in his Neighborhood Watch as "self-appointed," or say he got out of his car to follow Martin after police told him not to, because attorneys agree both statements are inaccurate.Zimmerman organized the Neighborhood Watch group but didn't appoint himself as its leader, both sides say. Also, he already had excited his car before he was told not to follow Martin.

As for whether Zimmerman confronted Martin – the judge says prosecutors can say that.

Zimmerman will face a jury of six women. Two men and two women are alternates.

Zimmerman says he shot and killed Martin, an unarmed black teen, in self-defense. The trial is expected to last two to four weeks.