PBS and NPR for Southwest Florida

U.S. Census Bureau Extends Deadline Date

The Census Bureau requires that census takers wear a mask while conducting their work. They will follow CDC and local public health guidelines when they visit.
Courtesy US Census Bureau

The U.S. Census Bureau has extended its deadline to Oct. 31 to ensure all people in the United States are counted. The Census Bureau is actively working to count everyone, and is specifically seeking to collaborate with tribal leaders to encourage American Indian and Alaska Natives to participate in the 2020 Census.

According to the agency, American Indians and Alaska Natives living on reservations were undercounted by nearly 5% in 2010.

The Census Bureau estimates self-response rates in tribal areas of Florida to be as low as 2.7%.

Both the cities of Fort Myers and Miami have total self-response rates of less than 60%.

Undercounted areas risk losing financial support for critical programs and services, including water pollution control, housing, and health care.

You can respond to the 2020 Census online, over the phone, or by mail. For more information, visit 2020census.gov or call 844-330-2020.

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