Jessica Meszaros
Jessica Meszaros is a reporter and host of Morning Edition at WUSF Public Media, and former reporter and host of All Things Considered for WGCU News.
She was a multimedia reporter for Miami’s public radio station, WLRN Radio, for more than two years.
In the summer of 2013, Jessica interned for NPR's All Things Considered in Washington D.C. She has a background in newspaper reporting from her summer 2014 internship with the Sun-Sentinel in South Florida.
Jessica graduated from Florida International University with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Honors College.
"All of those people came together because they knew how important it was to get the kids back on the island and back in their school. So, I just feel really, really grateful,” said Principal Katie Fradley.
Most states submitted plans to reduce planet-warming pollution to unlock federal grant money, and they proposed projects to get started. This week, the Biden administration announced the winners.
A collaboration of at least 10 advocacy organizations in Florida have launched a campaign to mobilize the Hillsborough County Commission to push back against rate hikes driven by fossil fuel prices.
"These agencies are basically pretending that another catastrophic oil spill cannot possibly occur, cannot possibly be a risk for the Gulf of Mexico. And we know that that risk is real, and they need to be paying attention to that," said Chris Eaton, Earthjustice attorney.
"There's an implication that the Fish Wildlife Service removed protections for gopher tortoises. They did not. If we wanted to think of the immediate protection level changes for the species, this finding document found no change," said Jeffrey Goessling of Eckerd College.
"I've lived in Florida all my life, but it was eye-opening, to say the least," said Eric Rakstis. "I actually pulled three people out from the water that were washed off of their boats, so it was four of us all together on my tiny, little 27-foot boat."
Sharon Faircloth has three businesses on Fort Myers Beach and 30 employees out of their jobs, so she plans to pivot her mission, working to help officials with hurricane recovery efforts.
A few days after the Category 4 storm made landfall in Southwest Florida, people were still being rescued and transported to shelters. Here are their stories.
After Category 4 Hurricane Ian pushed a wall of water onto Southwest Florida, some residents remain optimistic while others plan to leave the state.
By analyzing 9 years of data, Florida researchers recently proved that toxic algae blooms are exacerbated by nutrient-rich freshwater releases. The results confirm what scientists, activists, fisherman and others have observed anecdotally for years.