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With the Wild Things
Weekdays @ 7:20 AM

With the Wild Things is hosted by wildlife biologist Dr. Jerry Jackson and produced by the Whitaker Center in the College of Arts & Sciences at Florida Gulf Coast University.

Funded by the Environmental Education Grant Program of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, With the Wild Things is a one-minute look at a particular environmental theme.

Dr. Jackson takes you through your backyard, and Southwest Florida’s beaches, swamps and preserves to learn about “the wild things”.

Latest Episodes
  • Our Black and Turkey vultures are common sights in Florida skies.An adult Black Vulture on the left and a juvenile on the right. Note the black colors, the wrinkled head of the adult, and the tiny feathers and lack of wrinkles on the head of the juvenile.
  • Orb-weaving spiders are those spiders that create webs in which flying or falling insects are captured. Many, such as the Banded Garden Spider, the Golden-silk Orb-weaver, and the tiny Orchard Spider are active during the day, some, such as the Tropical Orb Weaver are primarily active at night. Most create a new web each day. If you have a wooded area, you can often go out shortly after dark with a flashlight and find Tropical Orb-weavers as they begin to create their web for the evening. By morning the web is gone and the Tropical Orb-weaver is in hiding among dense vegetation.
  • Echolocation is second nature to animals such as bats and dolphins. Can humans also find their way using sound as a tool?
  • Did you ever wonder where the name “whisk broom” came from? First of all it is Norwegian – and originated long ago as a result of the Norse people using this plant with a long bare stem to hang onto, and multiple almost bare branches at its tip. Got dirt on your sport coat? Pluck one of these plants hold it by the stem – and “whisk” it off. The Norse people used them to “visk” off the offending dirt. Only later did “visk” become “whisk” in English. Long before “whisk brooms” were “invented”, the Norwegian people found them in nature, made use of them, and gave them their name.
  • The Hispid Cotton Rat is a native American rodent that can be up to a foot long from the tip of its nose to the tip of its tail – but it is usually smaller in Florida. This rodent has dense, long fur that is light colored at the base, brown towards the tip, and the tip is often black – giving the rodent a rather grizzled appearance. Hispid Cotton Rats are prolific, capable of producing as many as nine broods in a year – but their average life expectancy is less than a year. This is a species native to open, sunny, tall grass areas throughout the state and is a very important component of Florida’s natural ecosystems because it is food for most of our hawks and owls, and many snakes, and mammalian predators. Hispid Cotton Rats are also occasionally a problem species – especially because of their fondness for sugar cane and other succulent crops.
  • Black Skimmers are distant relatives of gulls and terns. They have long wings, a two-toned bill that seems misshaped, garish, and with a lower bill that is much longer and narrower than the upper bill. Their plumage is primarily black above and white below --which seems strange for a bird that nests on sunny beaches and mud-flats.
  • The Bald Eagle is the national emblem of the United States. It was chosen to represent us shortly after we became a nation. It and the Golden Eagle are protected by law. During the 1960s and 1970s Bald Eagle numbers plummeted and the species disappeared from many areas as a result of pesticide poisoning. Recognition of the problems, banning of some pesticides, and effective conservation and reintroduction efforts brought Bald Eagles back from the brink of extinction. Many of those efforts made use of Bald Eagle eggs and chicks from Florida where numbers had remained high. As human populations have grown in Florida, old growth forest has continued to decline – especially in coastal areas – which are major Bald Eagle food resource areas. Protection of an eagle nest near large apartment complexes is only part of an answer for eagle conservation. They also need replacement nest trees, protection from disturbance, and healthy fish populations in clean coastal waters.
  • Hurricanes can be disastrous and Florida sticks out like a sore thumb directly in the path of many hurricanes. It’s the heat of the sun and curvature and spinning of the Earth on its axis that initiate the movement of air over ocean and land. And its summer heat that warms surface water that creates the humid air and water-laden clouds that come with a hurricane. The juxtaposition of Florida’s land mass and the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico – the northern end of which is in a subtropical climate – makes us a target for hurricanes – many of which move north through the Gulf of Mexico, feeding on the warm waters there.
  • The Monarch butterfly is among our best-known insects – one usually learned in childhood along with details of its life such as its annual migrations and protection from predators that it gains as a result of the primary food of its caterpillars – milkweeds. In this week’s Wild Things I will point out some of the less well-known details of the Monarch’s migrations and values of its use of milkweeds. As human populations have grown and infringed on its natural breeding and wintering habitats, Monarch numbers have declined and conservation efforts to protect Monarchs have grown – in large part through childhood education.
  • Burrowing Owls are small owls of open grassy areas. They nest and roost in cavities that, in Florida, are often dug or enlarged by the owls. Their cavities can be several feet long and usually include at least one bend, thus limiting light in the burrow. Dirt and debris are left at the entrance, thus building up a low mound around the entrance. In addition Burrowing Owls often collect animal dung and deposit it in the burrow – perhaps as a deterrent to predators. Young chicks remain in the burrow, but older chicks often stand near the burrow entrance to wait for food. Both adults and chicks are camouflaged in shades of brown and white, blending into their environment. Adults are boldly marked with more distinct streaks and spots, and barring on the breast. Young chicks are down-covered in earth-tone colors. As adult feathers emerge, down is still evident and markings are dull and more diffuse, helping to lessen sunlight reflection. These owls are often quite tolerant of humans and in many areas nest in open areas around human homes. As a result, many are lost to dogs, cats, collision with cars, and human habitat alteration and Burrowing Owl numbers have declined.