Tax Day in 2017 falls is just over three weeks away. Normally collected on Apr. 15, that date falls on a Saturday this year, and Monday, Apr. 17, is Emancipation Day in the District of Columbia. That pushes the nation’s filing deadline Tuesday, Apr. 18.
That leaves just over three weeks to sort your W-2s, make last-minute additions to your IRA, double-check the tax breaks you're applying for, and plan on how you'll spend any potential refund.
Already in 2017 more than 77 million Americans have filed their taxes, receiving more than $183 billion in refunds.
Monday at 1 p.m., Spencer Smith with United Way of Collier County explains how the nonprofit is helping people get their financial documents in order through it's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program in the weeks leading up the Apr. 18 deadline.
Also joining the program is Natalie Combs, an accountant and VITA volunteer, sharing advice on how to help calculate your tax bill and maximize returns.