Citrus greening is a disease caused by a bacterium that is spread by a small insect called an Asian citrus psyllid. It first turned up here in Florida in 2005, and since then has caused major impacts to the state’s citrus industry -- reducing production numbers by more than half since it first arrived. Researchers estimate that more than 75% of citrus trees in the state are infected. During this year’s legislative session, Florida lawmakers approved funding for a dozen projects that are looking for short, and long term solutions that growers might be able to use to grow bigger fruit, reduce production costs, and produce more resistant trees. We're joined by Dr. Michael Rogers, he’s statewide director of citrus programs, and director of the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred, to get an overview of the current state of citrus greening research.
Researchers Continue Search for Solutions to Citrus Greening
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