PBS and NPR for Southwest Florida
Versed in Florida

Sidney Wade - Burrowing Owl

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This month’s Versed in Florida is with poet Sidney Wade. She teaches English at the University of Florida. Her poems and translations of foreign language poems have appeared in a wide variety of journals, including Poetry, The New Yorker, Grand Street, and The Paris Review. WADE's sixth collection of poems, Straits & Narrows, was published in 2013. Her Turkish poetry translations will be published in October. Lately she’s only been writing poems about birds, including this one about Burrowing Owls, she explained to WGCU’s Amy Tardif.

Burrowing Owl

Very odd,

this little cloud

in trousers

in the sandy


favored by

prairie dog

and gopher


On the mound

at the mouth-hole,

he scouts around

with sybilline

yellow eyes

and then, owl-

wise, decides

to clean house.

He dives down

and soon

great clouds

of smudge come

flying out,

his home now

clean as a bone.

A diurnal owl,

he’s upside-down

and inside-out,

at ease

not in trees,

but underground,

where his mate


on her eight

fragile moons

in an immaculate

burrow whose

contours are lined

with cow manure.