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American Bittern

The American Bittern is known to science as Botaurus lentiginosus – a name that tells us a bit about it. Botaurus is derived from an old English word that refers to a bull – because this bird’s unique deep-throated call reminded people of the bellowing of a bull. The species name “lentiginosus” means freckled – a reference to the tiny black spots on this bittern’s back.

The 30+ inch tall American Bittern feeds both during the day and at night and often stands perfectly still, neck and bill pointing straight upwards as its eyes scan around it for small fish, frogs, and other small animals that it eats. As it stands in this manner it often sways gently with the wind – in synchrony with tall grasses, cattails and other plants around it. With its diverse shades and patterns of brown, white, and black plumage, it easily blends into its habitat. With its unique call, it sounds like no other bird.