The South Florida Water Management District and Lee County have partnered to bring back a vital plant in the Caloosahatchee River. Tape Grass has not…
The South Florida Water Management District is teaming up with Florida International University to study nitrogen in the Caloosahatchee River.The study…
Water quality is among the many issues state legislators are expected to tackle during the legislative session starting Tuesday—and a former state water…
The US Army Corps of Engineers increased the amount of water flowing from Lake Okeechobee into the Caloosahatchee River this week. That’s because the lake…
The Water Resources Reform and Development Act passed out of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure today with bi-partisan support.…
The Army Corps of Engineers is releasing water from Lake Okeechobee to reduce its water level.These releases impact the estuaries downstream in the…
The recent resignation of the South Florida Water Management District’s executive director, Melissa Meeker leaves some big shoes for the district to fill.…
The recent resignation of the South Florida Water Management District’s executive director, Melissa Meeker leaves some big shoes for the district to fill.…
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has responded to a lawsuit filed against it Monday by Earthjustice alleging that it is violating state laws governing…
Earth Justice filed a federal lawsuit Monday on behalf of the Florida Wildlife Federation, the Environmental Confederation of Southwest Florida and the…