The city of Orlando is asking a federal judge to dismiss a civil rights lawsuit that was filed on behalf of victims and survivors of the Pulse nightclub...
The Lee County School District announced Tuesday that it reached a settlement agreement with the Lee County NAACP, following the civil rights complaint…
The fight to restore voting rights for those with a felony in their past has become a rapidly intensifying factor in shaping upcoming state elections....
As an appellate court reviews an appeal by Governor Rick Scott and his cabinet in the battle for a new rights restoration scheme for felons, protesters...
Siding with Gov. Rick Scott and the other members of the Board of Executive Clemency, a panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals late Wednesday...
Awaiting a decision from an appellate court, Gov. Rick Scott has scheduled a Wednesday night meeting of the state’s Board of Executive Clemency to...
Florida voters this November will decide on a proposed constitutional amendment that spells out the rights of crime victims.
The Pro gun rights group Florida Carry is threatening to sue Leon County after it passed a gun related ordinance. The ordinance imposes a waiting period...
Immigrant rights attorneys are urging a major bus company to stop letting federal agents on board to conduct immigration sweeps. The American Civil...
Students from across the country are planning to participate in a coordinated national walkout on Wednesday in response to the high school shooting in...