Despite higher costs for air travel and hotels, AAA projects holiday travel will be 3 percent higher than a record total set last year in Florida and 8 percent higher than over the same period in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic. The auto club estimates more than 2.81 million Floridians will travel at least 50 miles from Friday through July 4.
The 10-cent rate increase comes as more motorists take to the road.
Florida's average daily price for a gallon of gas is the lowest it's been in three weeks.
After gasoline prices spiked last week, they could come down as fuel outages caused by historic flooding in South Florida get resolved.
Saudi Arabia and other OPEC+ countries announced surprise plans to cut oil production by more than a million barrels per day in an effort to prop up oil prices.
The average price fell by 10 cents last week, but those declines could level off before a slight increase next week.
The average price of a gallon of gas was $3.29 a gallon as of Monday, the lowest price since late January.
A AAA spokesperson says it's partially due to China's plan to reopen its economy.
The average price dropped 12 cents last week, and some locations are seeing gas below $3 a gallon.
AAA forecasts 2. 9 million Floridians will travel for the holiday weekend. More than 90 percent of them will drive.