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StoryCorps Fort Myers: A couple talks about their relationship, love at first sight, and the importance of laughter

Partners Robert Conk and Jennifer Fallon talk through the StoryCorps Mobile Tour visit to Fort Myers in Feb. 2024.
Partners Robert Conk and Jennifer Fallon talk through the StoryCorps Mobile Tour visit to Fort Myers in Feb. 2024.

The StoryCorps Mobile Tour returned to Fort Myers in February 2024 to record meaningful conversations with people right here in Southwest Florida about their lives.

Each Monday for the next several months, we’re highlighting some of the compelling stories from our fellow Southwest Florida residents.

In this installment, we hear Jennifer Fallon speaking with her partner Robert Conk about their relationship, their decision to move to Southwest Florida from New York, their relationship, and the vital role laughter plays in their relationship and their lives.


JOHN DAVIS, HOST: Each Monday we're featuring conversations recorded through the StoryCorps Mobile Tour stop in Fort Myers earlier this year. Today we hear Jennifer Fallon speaking with her partner Robert Conk about how they met, their decision to move to Southwest Florida, their relationship, and the importance of laughter.

JENNIFER FALLON: I was gonna ask you if you believed in love at first sight?

ROBERT CONK: Absolutely, absolutely. When Jennifer saw me, she went, “Wow! look at that guy!” I gotta meet him.” And she walked right over and introduced herself. I mean, I saw Jennifer and she walked in and I walked over and introduced myself. And we've been together ever since.


CONK: Then, we decided to move down to Fort Myers, Florida. My in-laws live in Sanibel and Fort Myers was a natural fit.

FALLON: Yeah. Do you want to ask a question?

CONK: Do you believe it love at first sight?

FALLON: I guess. I kinda…Yeah, sure.

CONK: Don’t let me twist your arm over there.

FALLON: Well, you have to admit, your introduction to me, was pretty full on.

CONK: Yes. Smooth too.

FALLON: (laughter)

CONK: Right? We’ve been together over eight years?

FALLON: Yes. It'll be nine November.

CONK: Nine in November. Wow.

FALLON: What's one of the best attributes about our relationship as a couple?

CONK: We laugh every day? Every single day, we make each other laugh.

FALLON: Who's funnier?

CONK: Oh, you are, but I’m funnier looking. Every day we tell each other we love each other.

FALLON: Robert; gregarious, would give the shirt off his back to his friends and loved ones. He's an incredibly kind man when it comes to people that he loves, and to strangers. He's also a little old school. Like, he is the guy that holds the door open for everyone; is the first person to jump up to help somebody. It's sort of second nature to him. And you're incredibly loving. Doesn't let me leave the house without telling me he loves me. And every day since we've met, you send me a text that says “Good morning, beautiful. I love you. I hope you have a great day.” And yeah, you're pretty damn funny.

CONK: Looks aren’t everything. So, Jennifer: intelligent, thoughtful, sweet, funny, funny, funny. Everybody that means Jennifer loves Jennifer. She's a foxhole person.

FALLON: What does that mean?

CONK: That means if you were in a foxhole and you only had one person that was going to have you back, who would that be? Jennifer Fallon.

FALLON: I thought you were alluding to me and animals. Like, do I like foxes? Or I’m foxy.

CONK: She's attractive, Yes.

FALLON: So who do you think was your biggest influence when it came to relationships in your life?

CONK: My mother and father.

FALLON: What do you think they taught you?

CONK: You know, my parents didn't try to teach us anything. I think they just were who they were and everything was through osmosis. You know, you're around them long enough and you know, I guess every moment is a teaching moment when they're a parent, but when you're a kid, you don't think about, “oh, my parents are teaching me right now.” You know? But now that you just asked me, I saw two people that are kind to each other, loved each other very much. My father looked out for my mother all the time. And literally, they were childhood sweethearts.

FALLON: One of the things that I love and respect about you is that this last year and a half has been hard on my family for my parents. And you've done a lot, a lot. And you really have been a great support to my parents to rebuild after the hurricane and be patient with their needs And be patient with me and my frustrations around this. You know, and I selfishly chose to come down here because I wanted to be closer to them.

CONK: Actually, it was a good move, because the hurricane, if we were up in New York and this happened, we'd probably wind up coming down here.

FALLON: Under different circumstances.

CONK: Yeah.

FALLON: I mean, I know it was a mutual decision. Like, your family's over there and my family's here, but mom and dad; they stayed with us for three months. So, they wouldn't have been able to do that had we lived up in New York. And being here and watching them go through that. That’s one thing that sort of chokes me up, is that I worry about… like I wouldn't have known how bad or how hard it was on them emotionally. Nevermind the money. If they hadn't lived with us, we wouldn't have seen firsthand what was going on. And to me that was really important because they wouldn't have asked for help and that I'm most proud of being able to be here and help them.

CONK: What's your favorite memory of me?

FALLON: Can I give you a combined?

CONK: Oh yeah. Combined away.

FALLON: Okay. My favorite memory of you is when we get to dance. The first night we met we danced all night long. And then at Barbara's birthday, we got to dance and at Dick’s birthday party we got to dance. And that's something that I really enjoy because whenever we're most relaxed and we're just laughing. So, that's my favorite combined memory of you.

CONK: I like that. And she always laughs. Every single day she's laughing. Every single day.

FALLON: I guess I want to say that that's one of the most things I love most about our relationship. And it's not just like surface laughter like, it's full-on belly laughter. There's never a day goes by that we don't laugh. There's days when other stuff happens too, but for the most part, yeah.

CONK: I just want to tell you that I love you very much and that I'm very happy that you listen to NPR and especially WGCU, And that you signed up for this.

FALLON:I love you too. And I appreciate you taking the chance to do something that is not our norm. So, love you, babe.

DAVIS: That was Jennifer Fallon speaking with her partner Robert Conk. Their conversation was recorded in Fort Myers through the StoryCorps Mobile Tour. This is W GCU News.

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