The Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus has slammed President Trump's so-far unfollowed order that all transgender people be removed from any connection with the U-S military.

"I took personal offense at that," said Caucus President Terry Fleming. "I served in the military myself and it was extremely painful to see something like that happen in our country because I know folks who are serving honorably who are transgender."
Meeting in Tallahassee over the weekend (8/18-8/21), the Caucus urged congress to censure the president for issuing the order, which came in the form of a tweet. Fleming added that his group has an ambitious anti-discrimination legislative agenda for the 2018 Session.
"There are pockets, places like Gainesville where I live and South Florida and even here in Tallahassee where people have protections, but there are vast swaths of the state where people just because of who they are can be fired, can be kicked out of a house, can be denied public accommodations, so we'd like to see that legislation passed."
Fleming said those protections in particular should be extended to state government workers.
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