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As Polls Open, Southwest Floridians Line Up

Poll Watchers
Julie Glenn
Poll Watchers for the Democratic party Sit Across the Walkway From Republican Poll Watchers

Early on election day, things are off to a smooth start with lines short or non-existent thanks to record absentee and early voting.

John Davis: From WGCU News I'm John Davis. WGCU News' Julie Glenn is on the line, and she is at a voting precinct location in Collier County. Julie, tell us where you're at and what you're seeing.

Julie Glenn: We're at the main library complex, which has been an early voting scene for the last several weeks, but now it is election day. Traffic, according to the people standing outside who have been standing outside for the last couple of weeks campaigning, they're telling me that traffic is a lot lighter today on election day than it has been for the past two weeks. I came in, talked to a couple of people who indicated that they were security, but they were dressed like regular Biden or Trump supporters, on either side of the sidewalk. They said that they were there representing the party as volunteers to make sure no one is intimidated or harassed, none of which we saw while we were here. But, they said that they will be calling 9-1-1 if they see harassment, or bullying, happening as people are making their way to the polls.

John Davis: That's interesting. Good to hear that there's-

Julie Glenn: Yeah, I hadn't heard of that.

John Davis: Well just good that there hasn't been any tension there so far at least. You had also talked to some Trump supporters about other reasons why they're making their presence visually known at these precincts today.

Julie Glenn: Yeah. Big, big flag. Talked to a woman and she said, "You know, to me, I just am here to represent Trump's supporters because I feel like we are mischaracterized in the media." She said, "We are shown as being angry. We're just happy people who are happy with what Trump has already been doing, and we want to see him continue doing that." I asked her if she's planning on changing anybody's mind today or she thinks it's possible? She said, "Probably not." I'm just trying to represent Trump's supporters as people who are generally happy and just want to support the President.

John Davis: That was Julie Glenn from WGCU's news team outside a voting precinct in Collier County this morning. We'll be hearing from more WGCU reporters at voting sites throughout Southwest Florida today. Polls do close at 7:00 p.m. tonight. Julie Glenn, thanks so much.

Julie Glenn: All right, great.

John Davis: This is WGCU News.