A new $250,000 grant will allow the David Lawrence Centers for Behavioral Health in Naples to expand access to behavioral health services for children and families.
The social and human services grant was presented to Collier County’s only comprehensive, not-for-profit behavioral health provider from the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation’s Board of Directors.
“The Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation cares about the health and wellbeing of children and families and is aware of the increased mental health needs in our community,” said the foundation's Florida Director Mary Beth Geier. “The timing of this award allows (the David Lawrence Centers) to more promptly assess pediatric patients and improve access to high-quality mental healthcare services.”

Geier said the foundation has a high regard for the professionals at the David Lawrence Centers and are confident that the investment will have a positive impact in the community and help coordinate the necessary therapeutic supports to meet the growing demand in services for children and families in Collier County.
The goal of the funding is to expand access to behavioral health services for children and families. The grant will help eliminate the risk of crisis situations through enhanced assessment and linkage to services and will also increase awareness of mental health challenges and resources through community outreach.
The grant will specifically fund two designated Access Center clinicians providing assessments as well as linkage to services after being discharged from inpatient crisis stabilization services to ensure children and families are guided into appropriate treatment programs.
A portion of the funds will support in-person, video, and telephone translation and interpretation services for clients who have language barriers with the ability to provide treatment in a preferred language optimizing treatment outcomes. These services are typically not covered by private insurance, Medicaid, or other funders.
Through the community outreach funding, families will have enhanced access to information, resources, trainings, and screenings to address community mental health needs, including the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health.
“Through this generous grant, Collier County children and families will have enhanced navigation support and improved access to life-saving, life-changing care,” said David Lawrence Centers CEO Scott Burgess. “The (foundation’s) funding and other private donations from the community are critical to ensure the David Lawrence Centers can carry out its vital mission. We are honored and blessed to continue our partnership with RMSFF to help children and families in great need.”
The foundation’s human and social services grants assist families with a variety of needs, including food and nutrition, housing or shelter, skill training and development, and serious medical challenges. These grants offer opportunities that help people lead self-sufficient, productive lives.
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