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Ideology flag restrictions proposal stalls in Florida Senate committee

A rally for trans rights
Ted Eytan
A rally for trans rights

A proposal that would prevent public schools, colleges and universities and other governmental entities from displaying flags that represent a “political ideology viewpoint” stalled Monday in a Senate committee.

Under the proposal (SB 1120), flags that represent a “politically partisan, racial, sexual orientation and gender, or political ideology viewpoint” would be prohibited at government facilities.

The measure has drawn objections, especially from LGBTQ advocates who have argued, for example, that it is targeted at LGBTQ pride flags.

The Senate Governmental Oversight and Accountability Committee took up the bill Monday, but the meeting reached its scheduled end as senators asked questions about the measure.

Chairman Bryan Avila, R-Miami Springs, announced that the meeting was adjourned.

The bill remains eligible to be heard in the Governmental Oversight and Accountability Committee, and an agenda for the panel’s next meeting is expected to be set in the coming days, a Senate spokeswoman told The News Service of Florida.

The House Constitutional Rights, Rule of Law and Government Operations Subcommittee this month approved a similar bill (HB 901).

The House version awaits a hearing in the State Affairs Committee.