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Senator Wants to Change the Way Juries are Chosen

The jury that found George Zimmerman not guilty in the death of Trayvon Martin was comprised of six women. Five of them are white.

That got the attention of Miami Democratic Senator Gwen Margolis.

She has filed a bill in Tallahassee that would require juries to reflect the demographics of the county where the case is tried.

Florida State University Law Professor Wayne Logan says it's a complicated propos.

“First of all, you'd need to define what “demographics” constitutes, and of course you'd need a benchmark for the county because the county changes. So even if those considerations are established, there's going to be considerable litigation in every case and it's going to lengthen the time that is required to draw a jury.”

The bill would also require a 12-member jury for any felony case that may bring life in prison. 12 jurors are already required for death penalty cases.

All other cases would still be tried by 6 jurors.