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Trump Supporters Counter-Protest Cape Coral Impeachment Rally

Demonstrations in favor of impeaching President Trump took place across the country Tuesday, the evening before the U.S. House of Representatives was expected to vote on the matter.

In Cape Coral, more than 100 protesters gathered in front of the office of Republican U.S. Rep. Francis Rooney, when about 50 counter-protesters approached, carrying Trump 2020 signs and banners.

The opposing groups faced each other as tension grew, but the pro-Trump counter-protesters began singing the Star Spangled Banner, and then the pro-impeachment demonstrators joined in, all of them eventually singing in unison.

David Janofsky says he signed up to host the Cape Coral ‘No One is Above the Law’ demonstration after seeing plans for it on social media. The call to action was promoted by the national civic engagement platform, Moveon.org.

Janofsky said this was his first time organizing people.

“I’m just trying to put positivity out into the world and I’m glad that there’s other people that feel the way that I do and have the same moral character that I think is lacking in the oval office today,” Janofsky said.

Chris Cammarota, of Cape Coral, said local Republicans got wind of the demonstration taking place in their city and spread the word on Facebook to rally counter-protesters.

Credit Andrea Perdomo / WGCU
Cape Coral resident, Chris Cammarota, holds a sign that says "Americans for Trump," as he prepares to lead Trump supporters to counter protest an impeachment rally.

“We’re just here to support the president, most of us here think it’s like he says—it’s a witch hunt,” Cammarota said. “We’re trying to support him and do the right thing, the man does not need to be impeached, he needs to be praised for what he’s done for the country for the last three and a half years.”

Susan McGuire, of the Pine Island-based organization, Rise up, Organize, Advocate and Reform, or ROAR, said having opposing views on impeachment doesn’t mean either position is unpatriotic.   

“We might see differently what we think is best for it, but when we sang star spangled banner and said the pledge of allegiance, it’s a reminder to me that we all love our country,” McGuire said. 

The protesters and counter protesters chanted opposing slogans but would continue to sing patriotic songs together throughout the demonstration which, wrapped up by 7 p.m. There were a handful of verbal confrontations, but the demonstration was peaceful, over all.

According to Moveon.org, 34 other 'No One is Above the Law' events were planned for Tuesday evening.  

Credit Andrea Perdomo / WGCU
Protesters gather outside of Rep. Francis Rooney's office in Cape Coral as part of the national 'No One is Above the Law' demonstrations.

Andrea Perdomo is a reporter for WGCU News. She started her career in public radio as an intern for the Miami-based NPR station, WLRN. Andrea graduated from Florida International University, where she was a contributing writer for the student-run newspaper, The Panther Press, and was also a member of the university's Society of Professional Journalists chapter.