Maggie Penman
President Trump said this week that a few "bad apples" were to blame for police killings of black people. But research suggests that something more complicated is at play — a force that affects everyone in the culture, not just police officers. In this bonus episode, we revisit our 2017 look at implicit bias and how a culture of racism can infect us all.
We don't always behave the way economic models say we will. We don't save enough for retirement. We give money to charity. This week, why we act in ways that go against our "rational" self-interest.
What happens when we connect with people whose view of the world is very different from our own? In this month's Radio Replay, we bring you stories about the relationship between diversity, conflict, and creativity. This episode features reporting from our July 2018 podcast, "The Edge Effect," and from one of our 2016 shows, "Tribes and Traitors."
We all know the downsides of being poor. But what about the downsides of being rich? This week, we explore the psychology of scarcity...and excess.
Nearly a quarter century ago, a group of women accused a prominent playwright of sexual misconduct. For the most part, the allegations went nowhere. In 2017, in the midst of the #MeToo movement, more women came forward to accuse the same playwright of misconduct. This time, everyone listened. On this episode — originally broadcast in February 2018 — we explore the story through the lens of social science research and ask, "Why Now?" What has changed in our minds and in our culture so that allegations of sexual harassment and assault are being taken more seriously than they were in the past? A note: This story includes descriptions of sexual harassment and assault. It may not be suitable for all listeners.
Dozens of houses have exploded into flames, and a hospital says it is treating victims. People are being told to evacuate, which has led to gridlock and traffic jams.
Ditko worked with both Marvel and DC Comics, helping to create iconic characters like Spider-Man and Dr. Strange.
When we think of lies, we think of the big stuff. We say, "I could never do something like that." But big lies start with small deceptions. Dan Ariely talks about why we lie and why we're honest.
There are some topics about which it seems no amount of data will change people's minds: things like climate change, or restrictions on gun ownership.
In the small community of Sutherland Springs, a gunman opened fire at a church late Sunday morning. Gov. Greg Abbott said in a news conference Sunday night that at least 26 people have been killed.