Todd Bookman
Todd started as a news correspondent with NHPR in 2009. He spent nearly a decade in the non-profit world, working with international development agencies and anti-poverty groups. He holds a master’s degree in public administration from Columbia University.
A new law in New Hampshire will require anyone registering to vote for the first time in the Granite State to provide documentation they are U.S. citizens, like a birth certificate or passport.
On military bases from Virginia to the Middle East, pistols made by New Hampshire-based Sig Sauer have allegedly fired without a trigger pull, seriously wounding soldiers in some instances.
The GOP-led legislature passed a map to dramatically redraw the state's two districts. But Republican Gov. Chris Sununu wanted both of the districts to remain competitive.
Activists contend, without proof, that New Hampshire's ballot counting machines can be hacked or rigged. So voters in more than a dozen towns will decide whether to revert to hand counts.
"Wish-cyclers" are donating millions of pounds of broken goods and trash to Goodwill.
New Hampshire Republicans elected Rep. Dick Hinch as their new Speaker of the House after the GOP took control of the chamber in Nov. Hinch's death, now known to be of COVID-19, was announced Wed.
A New Hampshire educator pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a student. But what happened at her sentencing is still raising questions about child safety and free speech a year later.
The very first Apple computer — an Apple-1 — was really only a circuit board. But for computer geeks and tech-lovers, that board could become a collectors item when it goes up for auction.
New Hampshire's state-run tax free liquor stores draw in customers from across the region. They also draw in modern-day bootleggers, prompting a wave of recent arrests.
For New Hampshire residents, the dueling symbols are raising questions about belief, inclusion and the separation of church and state.