Tom Flanigan
Phone: (850) 487-3086 x362
Tom Flanigan has been with WFSU News since 2006, with a focus on covering local news personalities, issues and organizations. He began his broadcast career more than 30 years before that and covered news for several radio stations in Florida, Texas and his home state of Maryland. In between, he spent a number of years in corporate communications for a few private firms, time that he calls “invaluable” for giving him a greatly expanded media perspective. During the relatively rare times he’s not racing to cover various community events and activities, Tom enjoys reading and playing guitar (He was a professional drummer in a previous life and is trying to expand his musical horizons). Follow Tom Flaniganon Twitter: @flanigan_tom.
Florida A&M University appears on the fast track to achieving a flawless reaccreditation by the end of the year. This week’s visit of an...
The white nationalist group League of the South was met with furious counter-demonstrators in Tallahassee on Saturday (1/27). Around 200 officers from...
A quartet of Tallahassee law students has been advocating two changes to Florida’s Constitution. The Constitution Revision Commission is now weighing...
Some of today's most advanced radiation treatments for cancer are now available in Tallahassee. Those advancements were on display Thursday (11/16)...
With most local needs now met, Tallahassee area residents were helping other parts of Florida recover from Irma today (9/14).
Some have claimed that storms like Hurricane Harvey are the result of global climate change, which is likely to mean more dangerous weather events in...
The Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus has slammed President Trump's so-far unfollowed order that all transgender people be removed from any connection...
Can you improve your brain function by playing certain types of games or watching videos that claim to boost mental capacity? Some Tallahassee-based...
Tallahassee and Leon County emergency personnel went head-to-head with a major hurricane called “Danica” Thursday (6/8). The purpose of the exercise was...
A Saturday afternoon (6/3) march and rally in Tallahassee targeted gun violence across the nation and closer to home. Several groups, including the...