Laboratory Theater of Florida in Fort Myers kicks of the summer season with the world premiere production of “Alien: The Musical Parody.” The show is a hilarious new take on the 1979 science fiction/horror classic film “Alien.”
While the film could be described as “the story of a space crew fighting to stay alive against a deadly and aggressive extraterrestrial loose on their vessel,” a brief description of this musical could go “a story where nobody listens to the smart woman and then they all die except for the smart woman and her cat.”
The show features new songs including “Why Mansplaining is For Your Own Good,” “Everyone Who’s Homophobic is Secretly Gay,” and a number titled “Sacrifice” featuring tap dancing aliens.
We’ll take a closer look in a conversation with Lab Theater founder and Artistic Director Annette Trossbach who conceived of and wrote the show, along with Earl Sparrow who composed the music.