Weaving tropical history into his naval historical fiction “Honor” series, Pine Island author Robert Macomber writes about the journeys of Peter Wake, who joins the US Navy in 1863 and is based in Key West. His new novel sees the action range from Tampa to Havana.
Through more than a dozen books, the Honor series follows action and history in Cuba, Panama, Colombia, and throughout Southern Florida. The most recent book in the series was just published last month and takes the reader on a secretive mission to Cuba, and into the beginnings of the Spanish-American War. It’s called “An Honorable War,” and begins in the year 1898, with the action playing out along Florida's Gulf Coast and up to Tampa.
Monday at 1:30 p.m., author, lecturer, and commentator Robert Macomber discusses the adventurous research that goes into creating his novels, and about the process of marrying history with modern story telling.