Florida could soon be filing its own opioid abuse lawsuit against drug manufacturers. They’d be joining a long list of states, counties, and cities that...
Manatee County is trying to turn things around for the youngest victims of the opioid epidemic - children. Organizations within the community, such as...
Governor Rick Scott has signed legislation to limit opioid prescriptions. Prescriptions for acute pain cases will receive up to a seven-day supply of...
The Justice Department said Tuesday it will support local officials in hundreds of lawsuits against manufacturers and distributors of powerful opioid...
An effort to expand a needle-exchange program statewide was scrapped Tuesday by a House health care committee, which agreed to extend the Miami-Dade...
A measure in the House tackles Florida’s opioid crisis by rethinking how to regulate prescription medication. If successful, lawmakers hope the new set...
Cannabis Advocates and Representative Carlos Guillermo-Smith want to re-classify misdemeanor criminal offenses for marijuana possession. It would make...
Florida foster care providers are struggling to keep up with the number of children entering the system as a result of opioid-related deaths.
The U.S. military’s Southern Command, or Southcom, hosted a summit of experts in Miami Thursday on America’s growing opioid crisis. Among them was Jim...
Florida lawmakers want more people to be able to report drug or alcohol overdoses without fear of retaliation. The effort comes after the high-profile...