Legislation to expand workers’ compensation benefits to include post-traumatic stress disorder for firefighters, paramedics, EMTs and other first…
Since the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001, nearly 10,000 first responders and others who were near the World Trade Center following the attack…
Legislation to expand workers’ compensation benefits to include post-traumatic stress disorder for firefighters, paramedics, EMTs and other first…
40 more wildland firefighters from Florida are now heading to the western part of the U.S. to help deal with one of the worst wildlife seasons in...
Despite a very active wildfire season, Florida Forest Service Firefighters will now be helping other states battle their own blazes.
Firefighters put their lives on the line to every day, but the dangers they face are not the same dangers faced by firefighters in years past. The smoke…
In 1988, six firefighters in Kansas City, Missouri, were killed in a blast at a highway construction site. Nine years later, five people were convicted of…
Gov. Rick Scott signed a measure Friday that will help families of first responders who are enrolled in the Florida Retirement System and get killed in...
Jacksonville’s Police and Fire Pension Fund got a D minus on a recent forensic audit. Benchmark Financial Services issued its report on the pension plan...
When an impasse between the Florida House and Senate shut the last regular legislative session down early, a number of bills fell through the cracks....