Homeless advocates are having a tough time getting the unhoused to participate in the annual homeless count
Florida House Bill 1365 (HB 1365) just became law, and it prevents people from public camping or sleeping in public places. This includes public buildings and their grounds, public rights-of-way, sidewalks and streets.
Thousands of outreach workers fan out each January in search of the homeless. The situation is such, officials said, that the resulting numbers will not be positive.
Volunteers as well as those from homeless and veteran’s groups fanned out across Lee County in January counting 820 people who do not have a permanent place to call home. That figure is up from 560 people experiencing homelessness last year.
The 26th Annual Candlelight Vigil for the Homeless was held December 21, 2022, on the steps of the Lee County Courthouse. The Lee County Homeless Coalition gathered with the community to remember those who have died while living on the streets or in the shelters of Lee county during the past year and asking to remember those who suffer in the community and face homelessness in Lee County.
Affordable housing is an issue that has only been exacerbated since Hurricane Ian. To bring awareness to the alarming situation, the Lee County Homeless Coalition is hosting its 26th annual Candlelight Vigil this Wednesday evening in Downton Fort Myers.
The Lee County Homeless Coalition is preparing for its 20th annual Homeless Service Day and Veterans Stand Down event.The Executive Director of the…
The Lee County Homeless Coalition will observe Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day this Sunday evening with its annual candlelight vigil recognizing those who…
Lee County officials pledged to end chronic and veteran homelessness by the end of 2016.The county is joining a campaign made up of 69 U.S.…
The Lee County Homeless Coalition said it counted about 100 more people during its annual census this year than last year. The Lee County Homeless…