The South Florida Water Management District plans to conduct a 26-acre prescribed burn in the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed (CREW) Management Area in Lee County today.. The burn unit is in the CREW Management Area, approximately 6 miles west of SR 82 and 1.3 miles south of Corkscrew Road. Smoke may be visible in the area of the burn.
The South Florida Water Management District plans to conduct a 40-acre prescribed burn in the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed (CREW) Management Area in Lee County today. The burn unit is in the CREW Management Area and is approximately 5 miles south of SR 82 and 1.5 miles east of Corkscrew Road.
The South Florida Water Management District plans to conduct a 87-acre prescribed burn in the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed (CREW) Management Area in Collier County, Wednesday, February 12.
The South Florida Water Management District plans to conduct a 48-acre prescribed burn in the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed (CREW) Management Area in Collier County, Wednesday, February 12.
Big Cypress National Preserve has re-issued a temporary closure to promote visitor safety during prescribed fire activity beginning Tuesday. Closure incudes all areas and trails within the treatment perimeter, however, due to changes in weather and environmental conditions, the previously planned Boundary Prescribed Fire Phase 1 treatment perimeter has been amended.
The South Florida Water Management District plans to conduct a 80-acre prescribed burn in the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed (CREW) Management Area in Collier County today. The burn unit is in the CREW Management Area and is approximately 5 miles south of SR 82 and 1.5 miles east of Corkscrew Road.
The National Park Service in conjunction with the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida and the Bureau of Indian Affairs will be conducting a joint prescribed fire operation in late January and continuing through February. The 151,434-acre Boundary Prescribed Fire Project — sited south of U.S. 41 between mile markers 36 and 44, including the Miccosukee Reserved Area — removes jurisdictional boundaries to complete prescribed burns with the assistance of federal, Tribal, state and local resources.
Big Cypress National Preserve has issued a temporary closure to promote visitor safety during prescribed fire activity beginning Tuesday, Jan. 14. Closure incudes all areas and trails within the treatment perimeter, trails on the perimeter of the unit will remain open for use. During the closure all recreational use including off-road vehicles, hiking, camping, hunting and commercial activities are prohibited in the designated areas. Unlike the closure in the area last week, during this closure all parts of the Florida National Scenic Trail will remain open.Prescribed fire is a carefully planned fire that uses fire science and specific environmental conditions to meet management goals for the preserve. A prescribed fire is one of Big Cypress’s best tools to help create a mosaic of diverse habitats, manage for our endangered species, and reduce the threat of a destructive wildfire.
Naples Botanical Garden will conduct a prescribed fire on 8.5 acres in the property’s Preserve, south of the Evenstad Horticulture Campus, for several hours today.Carefully controlled fires like this one are an important public safety precaution because they reduce organic matter, such as pine needles and fallen leaves, that can fuel wildfires.