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Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation

  • It’s rather impossible to live in Southwest Florida, with its subtropical climate and stunning natural wonders, and not stop to take a gander at the grandeur.Watch the River of Grass meander. See birds and plants sporting colors bordering on impossible. Explore state and national parks and preserves so plentiful they more often than not share borders. Enjoy beaches and bays and backcountry bayous. In Charlotte, Lee, and Collier, and inland counties environmental wonders are everywhere.
  • Marine scientists with the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation are updating its crucial water-quality monitoring system in Southwest Florida for the first time since its launch in 2007. The SCCF’s marine lab is busy installing a new generation of sensors in their “river, estuary, and coastal observing network,” which they dubbed “RECON.”
  • Birds and sea turtles can be profoundly effected by fireworks, say wildlife advocates. They urge caution and consideration this holiday weekend.
  • That humans contribute to making red tides stronger and last longer has been anecdotal. Now, researchers in Southwest Florida have explained that it's really true. Environmental researchers led by the University of Florida’s Center for Coastal Solutions documented the link after studying a decade of red tide data from the Caloosahatchee River, Charlotte Harbor, and the surrounding watersheds including the coasts of Charlotte and Lee counties. The findings are published in the June issue of Science of the Total Environment.
  • Sea Turtle nesting season in Southwest Florida runs from April 15 through October 31, which means it’s beginning to wind down. Find out what it takes to monitor and help protect the large marine reptiles.
  • In an effort to highlight the role sharks play in our coastal ecosystem as well as the fragility of the species, The Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation launched its first shark conservation campaign this week.WGCU's Andrea Perdomo spoke with The foundation’s CEO, Ryan Orgera about SCCF’s efforts to educate the community about sharks.
  • A recent investigation by state wildlife officials found thousands of native turtles that were being poached and sold illegally to international markets.…
  • As Southwest Florida prepares for an influx of people during the winter months, a handful of conservation groups in Sanibel are encouraging visitors and…
  • The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission announced a record number of green sea turtle nests documented this year. With about 39,000 green…