The state’s stone crab fishery should expect to take a hit this season from the red tide algae bloom that’s been plaguing Florida’s west coast for...
For our neighbors to the north, these' winter months are typically associated with things like freezing weather and snowfall, but here in the subtropics…
Stone crab claws are considered a delicacy by some and for many southwest Florida fisheries, the season is a critical money-making time of year. We’re in…
Florida's winter shrimp harvest in the Gulf of Mexico saw "a couple of bad months," fishermen say, on top of reports of low numbers for the iconic stone…
Fishermen in southwest Florida say lingering red tide and the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew may cut into their early stone crab harvests.
Thursday marked the start of stone crab claw harvest season for recreational and commercial use in state and federal waters.
Tuesday marked opening day for stone crab season – but not all crabbers went straight to work. There’s a stone crab strike going on in Everglades City –…
The tiny town of Everglades city encompasses less than 2 square miles - but the economic engine of the town, depends on what happens about 50 miles out in…
We're well into the six-month stone-crab season and by at least one estimate the harvest is half what it should be. The Florida Keys Noter reports that…