Two encore Water Quality Report columns by Tom Bayles can help put global warming into perspective and some hints from the NYT can provide pointers on slowing climate change
Blue-green algae's cyanobacteria and red tide Karenia brevis possess types of little healthy things that when properly synthesized by licensed medical researchers can fight a host of diseases
Nobody has heard the pig frog grunt on Sanibel Island since Hurricane Ian.
I can explain how red tide can be here and not be here simultaneously. Part of it lies in how that sneaky basic component of red tide, Karenia brevis, is, along with the vernacular use of “red tide” versus the scientific meaning. And seagulls.
Feeling helpless in the face of global warming is so prevalent it is now an identified condition called “climate change doomism.” Therapists are now working with clients on the issues it creates.
Yale Climate Connections is dealing with climate change doom and gloom. Some may they think it’s too late to fix the problem (it’s not), or that not enough people care.
It’s the time of year when warnings about blue-green algae outbreaks will be a regular part of life and this space and the department of Health in Lee County issued its sixth health advisory this year due to blue-green algae in the Caloosahatchee River.
Controversy surrounds the Army Corps’ decisions when to release how much water from Lake Okeechobee, slowly, quickly, during the wet season or dry
Lake Okeechobee is high for this time of year so we must consider releases to lower water levels before the wet and hurricane seasons no date to open the floodgates has been determined — or has it?
Lake Okeechobee is nearing the high-water level mark that the Army Corps is comfortable with, but a strengthened Herbert Hoover Dike and better management seem to be alleviating fears to this point